Saturday, January 21, 2006

omg it's an update

Wow. I didn't realise it'd been so long since my last post.

Anyway, Open House was cool enough. I wish I'd gotten to talk to more n00bs though =p I remember my Open Houses, especially last year's, because I'd talked to people (who are now my seniors) and it was all cool and at the end of it all of 'em waved and said BYE EUNICE SEE YOU IN A FEW MONTHS and I felt so happy about it and so I hoped that this Open House, I'd get to chat with people who are as passionate and determined and interested in CMM as I was.

Didn't get to do much of that, but I guess I did get to say hi and happily answer some questions and get to know some names, so. :)


Went to the Geylang East Central pasar malam today. It was very CNYish, but there was Ramly burger XD ahahha and I bought 2 pairs of earrings and a matching necklace+earrings set, all for $9. ^____^


My mum asked me today why I wanted to live out so much, and then she nagged me about my messy room, and then she said maybe if you lived out it would be better.


Whatever lah I dunno I really wanna be able to just do my own shit without anyone saying anything about it.


In other news, it's my dad's birthday :D but he's not in Singapore D: but he won a SONY HANDYCAM in the office new year party! XD w00tzor~~

He's always very lucky in all those office lucky draws ^_^

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