Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Welcome to February. I never mentioned I was going to keep a photo log of what's been up each month, but I am. So here are the 3 pictures of January.


I really wanted to blog last night, but I fell asleep before I could do anything, so I'm writing all this out now (this text between the 2 *s), in school, at 8.32 am, and all I'll have to do is type it out at night. This way I won't have to think in front of the computer after a long day, just brainless typing.

Last evening, I just felt so down and out and like I couldn't make any art. I made up a lousy motivation in my roleplaying for TSD, then after school I heard Mike play something beautiful on his guitar, and I just thought "dammit, I can't make any good art." Later, I went upstairs to return something to my neighbours, then convinced them to come down to watch the Marcus and Kar Mun Show, which I'd shot and edited. At that point, I just wanted someone to appreciate something I made. After they saw it (and I saw it again), I realised I wasn't a genius as I'd wanted them to tell me, but such a fool to think something like that could pass of as brilliant. Then I saw Niel Cicierega's Clown Quartet on my desktop and said "this is brilliant, you must watch it" (and it is; he got the clown puppets for Christmas and decided to make the film) and in comparison... Damn.

Which is why, people, give me a chance to make good art. Respond to my call for a cast and crew. It's going to use completely different genres of music to link completely different scenes. It's about experimenting with music, how it can control what goes on, using it to change moods. I haven't made anything I can be really proud of; Paper Cranes wasn't terrible, but we were restricted by manpower, equipment, and copyright laws, and there is a LOT that can be improved on. I want to release myself from all those constraints, write as if I'll be able to do everything, and then do it.

So I'm going to need a lot of people, that's what I'm saying.


Friday: Fun fun fun. PA duty in the morning. Did patrol, which means I go to the back of the hall with a walkie and say "patrol to sound, raise mike volume a bit" and "mike volume good" and various things like that. Then rushed to GEP table where we presented Paul with his birthday present - his PDA (Personal Dating Assistant). It was a toolbox (which was supposed to be macho, only after Atiqah put a ribbon on it, it wasn't any more), containing Gatsby shaving cream, Gatsby deodorent spray, Gatsby hair gel, a comb (so he can comb his hair and look cool), a treasure chest with 17 chocolate Euros (because he'll need to spend money on his girlfriend next time) and Smint (because no Smint, no kiss). And finally, to top it all off, his very own copy of FHM (because we couldn't get him a girlfriend with such short notice, and this was the next best thing). XD I'm a genius.

Then after school we went for Food Trail - Little India and Arab Street. Fantastic food. Lots of fun. Soap opera emerging - The Misadventures of Mike and Makoto. With Saturday's footage, it might turn into The Misadventures of Mike, Makoto and Marcus. Now if only I can find my cable...

Saturday: mask workshop in the morning. Very interesting. Would say more if I had blogged on Saturday itself. After that - Food Trail! For Katong and Chinatown. Generally a lot of fun, with Mr Young making cynical remarks about Chinatown which we can't use in the video ("Tourist trap. *nod*"), singing in the bus to Chinatown (out of which The Marcus and Kar Mun Show came about), and general silliness.

Sunday: went to watch Spongebob Squarepants the movie. OMG it's damn farnieeeee. Hilarious and brilliant. Stupid stupid show. But I laughed till my sides split and was on a high after that. Everyone must go and watch. I went with Hanyin to the Asian premiere at Sentosa because she got tickets from her sister who got tickets from the Nickelodeon boss. The guy who created Spongebob was there too, which was cool. XD And there was a sand sculpting competition before that, so just before the movie started they announced the winners, and it was this group of people we walked behind when we were heading to the beach heh. And they are a fantastic group of people. No inhibitions, yelling SPONGE BOB SQUARE PANTS all the way, and just what Rent-A-Crowd should be about. Yes. Hint hint: Madhatters show this Thursday.

Today: got my money stolen. I will never leave my wallet in my bag when I go for assembly again. I know someone must have taken it because I am supposed to have money; George just paid me in the morning. Then during break when I wanted to buy food it was gone. Man. I think I lost at least 10 bucks. Luckily they only took the money, and left the cards and everything else.

Tomorrow: PA! And then an audition for some Raintree Pictures production (I have no idea what it's about) at the place where I went to audition for Sing To The Dawn. Will be fun.


Right. I've gone on enough. And I haven't done my Econs work. So ta!