Thursday, January 27, 2005

Wah today damn stressed. But what's life without stress man. I like stress, to a certain extent, especially this type of stress - having a lot of things to worry about/do at the same time. Because you make lists to keep track of things, and when you finish doing them you tick them off one by one until they're all gone and then you feel really good.

Yesterday was so slack. I had slack GP, TSD, and Econs lecture. Then, a bomb was found, so we evacuate to the field. Then we listen to talks about bombs and stuff and I just about fell asleep in the hall and we missed the rest of the day. Then I went for PA which was damn fun cos they are damn cool and you can play Bishi Bashi on their game console thing! Anyway, I finally learn what all those knobs on the sound mixer are for, and tomorrow I have my first morning duty.

Today I climbed the rock wall! Attempted, more like. Twice! I hadn't climbed in so long, and it was good to just get the feel of it again. Then I went on the flying fox. Twice! Mucho fun. ^_^

And I'm totally insane again, which is good news. Just that everyone is like "OMG Eunice what happened to you are you okay ahhh I never wanna see this side of you again" and I'm like "GET USED TO IT, HAH!" XD

Tomorrow should be fun. =D Birthday celebration. PA duty. TSD. Food trail! Which I will be filming to make into a documentary type thing (I'm thinking 4 15 minute eps - mini series! But no idea how to present to the child care kids later). And if it turns out decent I add to my portfolio. If it doesn't, then I still add to portfolio and make excuses like "we had very little time to prepare and most of it was spontaneous and none of them have done things like this in such a big group and I had to find something for everyone to do and I came up with this format idea in the 2 days before the trail."