Saturday, November 29, 2003

My mum bought me a pair of boots! Wow. We were looking for sweaters, but didn't find any I liked very much, and then we went to look at shoes because I didn't think I wanted to wear my court shoes to work. And she goes, hey, these look nice, do you want a pair? So I end up with a pair. I was a bit worried that it wouldn't be allowed though, but I'm still happy, because I can wear them out. I've wanted boots for some time. Thanks mum. =)

After that we went to Jurong Bird Park, for my dad's company's family day thing. It was quite fun really, though we didn't actually see the birds; we were in this room next to the flamingo pond though, and it was really nice when all the egrets started flying home to roost, and at the end of the day the tree was full of them. White egrets, a single scarlet ibis, a dusky sky and pretty lights in waterfalls - quite picture perfect. The dinner was great, the view was fine, my dad won a $50 taka voucher (and a ear thermometer, but never mind that), and everyone was happy.

Nature Bus Ramble tomorrow! Must make notes for Heritage Tree Trail.

That's it then, goodnight.

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