Monday, December 01, 2003

Today I went to work, arrived quite early, and sat around waiting for a pretty long time, afterwhich Applelynn (very nice lady) gave us (Sherlene and I) some stuff to read about the Banyan Tree Gallery, which was rather interesting. And then I started filing this whole stack of things. I filed, and filed, and filed, then went out for lunch, then filed and filed and filed some more. I filed the whole day, and went home at almost 7 because I wanted to finish it all up. I just about did it, but I would've felt more accomplished if I'd done the few that I didn't know where they were supposed to be, or pretended I didn't know where they were supposed to be. Filing isn't boring, really, but it isn't entirely fascinating either, though there were some nice designs to look at, but I was too preoccupied with finishing the job rather than enjoying the pictures, so. I hope I get to do something else tomorrow. ^_^


Hertitage Tree Bus Ramble. Saw a magnificant Angsana tree, which, if its trunk was hollow, would fit all the 40 odd people in the bus. Also marvelled at a beautiful rain tree, which housed about 50 bird's nest ferns or something. Huge, wonderful things, them trees. Didn't manage to take many notes; I'm a bit worried about next year's project, but ah heck. Will take it as it comes.

My dad bought a digital camera! It's really cool. It has a video function that can record up to 3 minutes each time (it usually is 15 seconds), and you can edit the video with the camera itself too. Then it's got all this cool stuff like the night function, fast/slow shutter speeds, auto focus... We went to Suntec City and took pictures of the Fountain of Wealth when it was lit up with all the pretty coloured lights. ^_^

Actually, we went to Suntec to see the Hollywood Magic exhibition, which isn't really worth your money, but they have cool equipment that you'll never buy, like dollies and cranes and lights and stuff. We watched a cool stunt show though, with all the guns that make loud noises but don't really shoot anything, and bottles that don't hurt when you hit people over the head with them, and black ninjas on wires, hehehe. It was quite funny actually. Still, there weren't many people, and everyone was sorta lounging around and stuff... Not worth 12 bucks.

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