Saturday, November 29, 2003

The past week has been moving from not happy to not so bad to happy. Today's been a happy day.

I woke up at 12, and slogged the whole day (well, starting from after lunch) doing Chinese. I finished 4 comprehensions and 4 summaries. That's kinda a record you know, be proud. I know I am.

Andrew Matthews makes me happy. Maybe it's his book, you know. It's called "Being Happy", so. There are a lot of things in there that make sense, and some that don't, but will for a little while after you think about it for a long while, and then not make sense again. Andrew Matthews makes me happy anyway. *flips to random page and quotes* Some people have difficulty believing that the creation of healthy pictures in their minds will directly influence the healing processes taking place in their bodies. They tend to say, "But how can I do that? I don't even know how my body works. I'm not a doctor!" You don't need to be a doctor to go to the toilet either! Isn't it wonderful the way things work?

Happy things also include buskers emailing you back. Tremendously wonderful surprise. And étienne too! He gave me the email of the festival people - it's Go email them and beg them to invite him back! Oh heck, I'll just post the whole email here. Whee!

Hi Eunice,

Thanks for the email! I'm really happy you enjoyed my show-- I'm in the USA right now, but I had an AMAZING time in Singapore. The people are beautiful and the city is fascinating. I hope to be invited back again and again. Please email the festival's organizers, Staphnie & Jimmy to tell them you want me back! Get your friends to do the same! Then I'll see you again soon! Here's their email:

I'm working on a new "Fans" section for my website ( so check back around January. I hope you like it!


Don't you just love that dude? *heart goes shalalalala*

Other emails that make people happy: the Banyan Tree people (person, at least) emailed me back. She seems really nice already. I start work next week, by the way, and it's from 9am to 6.30pm (with an hour of lunch from noon =P). And apprently the air-con there is really powerful, so the advice is bring a sweater or jacket. And since I have been sort of converted by sweatergirl max, I shall go with my mum to buy a nice cardigan or something tomorrow. Hee.

More to rejoice about: mass dance has finished with props! *jumps all around waving spirit sticks in the air* We had three wonderful helpers down with us, and we worked for 5 hours (heh, I counted lunch into their house hours - they deserve it anyway). We bought out the whole of Popular's stock of 25 cent, 55 cent and 80 cent double-sided tape, it was quite funny. Sus went in about 5 times to buy double-sided tape, hehe.

Oh, and Paper Cranes got into the finals of the Hive Digital Film Competition. So yay, good luck to us!

And it's morning now (it has been for almost 2 hours, actually), therefore whatever I wanted to say has flown out of my head. This post shall end here, then. Good morning!

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