Sunday, January 23, 2005

So I went to NP open house yesterday with Melody. It was pretty cool I guess. They have like, the coolest library in the world or something. It's like library@esplanade with fiction and comics and stuff that normal libraries have. And they have TV. With cable. So you can just sit and watch TV. With cable. And they have feature films and lifestyle shows and travel documentaries and loads of CDs with listening stations and you can borrow all of that stuff home. And it has 3 levels I think. And an internet cafe. And basically the whole campus is wireless, so.

I'm looking forward to TP open house. I like TP's campus better, I think, and the way the facilities tour was presented for the School of Film and Media Studies (which has Mass Communications and Film, Sound and Video) just didn't make me want to join them immediately or anything. Though when I walked into the TV studio, I was like "oh god this is bloody cool". I love cameras, for some reason. And the monitors and all the wonderful wonderful lights. Just the way everything is set up, it's just really really cool to me. I don't know. Maybe it's just overload of the making of Pirates of the Caribbean. IwanttheDVDhinthint.

One of the teachers for Mobile Computing (they do computing and web design and animation and game design and cool stuff like that) was very excited about the learning environment they were going to go full scale into for the next semester. Basically it's going to be like working in industry. They don't want students to feel like they're coming to school to learn. They want it to be like work, with projects and deadlines and learning under the tutors (who'll be like the bosses I reckon). And I guess that's the sort of environment I'm looking for.

And the Pirates soundtrack is killing me; it always does that. I want the soundtrack!

Now I have a 2000 word essay to write on Elektra-the-play-not-the-movie for TSD. One thing about theatre is that you watch it and it's gone if you can't remember it. I'd like to do TP's Film Theory and Critisism where I know I can watch it over and over again and milk it and hand up something good. Especially DVDs. You learn quite a bit from good DVDs.

... I'd like to be able to work on a big production (yeah, like Pirates, stop laughing). As anything at all - caterer girl, props carrier, costume deliverer... anything that will get me on a set and let me see it all just happen and how it's all done.

I mean, that would be pretty darn cool, wouldn't it?