Monday, January 03, 2005

Last night, while I was trying to get to sleep, I was worrying about little things, like if I had bad breath on the first day of school (because my mum says I do), and I realised I would miss Zit's Smint. And then I thought, oh no I'll miss Elly too. And then I felt so depressed and almost cried. I really hope 413 will always stay in touch; so far we're doing a good job of it, and I hope there will be something on the 13th of April to look forward to. 413 has been a lovely, lovely journey and I will miss all the people that were in it.


So today was the first day of school and it was pretty fun I guess. I discovered the following things:

- my OGL's name is Sarah.
- my other OGLs are Shiwei and Danielle.
- my OG = Kai Sheng, Gary, Michael, Ashik, Clement, Mervin, Zhi Yong, Francis, David, Medelyn, Marianna, Qian Qi, Diana, Song Ping, Jingling, and me (I hope I spelt all the names correctly) (And included everyone).
- since we are sorted by IC number, there are a lot of birthdays in March, and Medelyn shares mine.
- mass dance is funky.
- I don't have to take Chinese.
- I don't have to take Lit [I signed up for Maths Econs History TSD for my first choice, and Lit Econs Maths TSD for my second.].
- a lot of people want to take TSD (And if I don't get it I am so going to poly).
- Randall knows how to make me happy.

We're going to have to put up a skit sort of thing as Indigoo (my big group; my flick (small group) is called Ippie) and I'm in the actor department with Qian Qi and Jingling and David.

During lunch David taught the guys some weird game which you could only call dootdootdootdootdoot, and soon one of the OGLs asked if he knew the simpler version of it, and the whole OG quickly learnt it and had quite a bit of fun playing. Clement lost and went to get us food because it was taking a very long time to come. I forgot to thank him. =( Anyway that lunch was probably bonding, even if we didn't get to know each other more.

I definitely feel the Victorian spirit, but I don't feel like part of it yet, and I'm not sure if I want to be. After I signed up for my courses I felt dead scared, and the talks before that didn't make any course sound wildly interesting (except art, which would be cool to take, really; it seems similar to design in poly, with film and animation and other things). Today I just felt even more like I decided I want to go to poly. I guess I'll have to give it time.


You know those time management things they always teach us? I hope to use it to good effect this year. Basically...

1st Priority Important and urgent: homework due the next day/in the next few days, things with close deadlines
2nd Priority Important but not urgent: project work, research, homework due in two weeks, HOL homework, botting, letter writing
3rd Priority Urgent but not important: phone calls, email, TV, present shopping
4th Priority Not important and not urgent: doodling, song writing, stuff

Yeah. Stop laughing at my priorities.


Projected Financial Situation 2005

Projected Expenditure 2005

Food - $1000
Transport - $250
Presents - $250
Stationery - $50
Singapore Buskers' Fest - $50
Misc. - $100

Projected Earnings 2005

Allowance - $2000
Hongbao money - $400

Projected Savings 2005



Is that possible?


I'm going to read about other people's orientations now.