Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Stolen from Jeanine in an effort to avoid the History textbook.

1.) first grade teacher's name: Mrs Leo.
2.) last word you said: Sausage. Don't ask.
3.) last song you sang: I dunno. It might've been a hoedown.
4.) last thing you laughed at: Brad Sherwood and his Blurry Fingers in Whose Line Is It Anyway? (US), series... something, haven't labelled it. Show number 520.
5.) last time you cried: Dunno.
6.) what color socks are you wearing: N/A
7.) what's under your bed?: Another bed.
8.) what time did you wake up today: 6.55 am
9.) line from the last thing you wrote to someone: "Sounds like fun. =D"

1.) current hair: More black than blue, and in a ponytail. Not very neat.
2.) current clothes: Kitty Cat t-shirt (design by after work 0853), market short pants thing, and watch.
3.) current jewelry: None! None! I'm poor.
4.) current annoyance: HAHAHA O LEVELS.
5.) current smell: Don't have.
6.) current longing: FOR O LEVELS TO END! END! END!
7.) current desktop picture: The Greg Proops/Ryan Stiles/Colin Mochrie picture that I posted somewhere below.
8.) current worry: O LEVELS!
9.) current favorite article of clothing: My prom dress?
10.) do you currently like someone: I love everyone! EVERYONE! <3333

1.) what is your career going to be: I'm going to make people laugh for a living!
2.) if you could live anywhere in the world, where: Dubai's The World, now!
3.) how many kids do you want: Errrrrrrr 2.
4.) what kind of car will you drive: It will be PINK and GREEN.

1.) favorite physical feature on a girl: Hair.
2.) favorite physical feature on a guy: Hair.
3.) one person you wish was here right now: My neighbour.
4.) favorite author: Roald Dahl? Neil Gaiman's cool, I only wish I'd read something of his. And JK Rowling's door is open again! But I've said that already.
5.) favorite coffee: That's Interesting... I Don't Know!
6.) favorite smell: Cookies... fresh rain...
7.) favorite way to waste time: Watching the Improv All-Stars!
8.) favorite season: Autumn! Not monsoon.
9.) favorite color: ...blue?
10.) favorite time of day: Dunno.

1.) how many coats and jackets do you own: I have one brown jacket thing my mum gave me. I have one thing that looks like the PSL vest. I have the RGS windbreaker. I want a trenchcoat.
2.) do you wear a watch: Yeah, and it's green!
3.) favorite pants color: Dunno!
4.) most expensive item of clothing: My prom dress.
5.) most treasured: Er, my boots maybe.
6.) gold or silver: Silver. White gold.

1.) do your friends know you: Do they?
2.) what do they tend to be like: Very cool people.
3.) can you count on them: Yeah.
4.) can they count on you: ...yeah?
5.) do you find it hard to trust people: Not really.

1.) last book you read: It was probably a textbook.
2.) last movie you watched: Il Postino?
3.) last movie you saw in theaters: New Police Story.
4.) last show you watched on tv: I think it was Survivor.
5.) last song you heard: Marriage. The marriage Irish Drinking Song. >.<
6.) last thing you had to drink: Tea.
7.) last thing you ate: Lor mai kai.
8.) last time you showered: Moment I arrived home today.
9.) last time you smiled: Just.
11.) last person you hugged: A classmate or a teacher I suppose.
12.) last person you danced with: Hohoho. Dunno.
13.) last person you talked to online: Probably Randall.
14.) last person you talked to on the phone: Mum.
15.) last thing you bought yourself: Lunch.

1.) smoke: No.
2.) do drugs: No.
3.) drink: That's how I stay alive.
4.) sleep with stuffed animals: Yeah. But not like that.
5.) have a dream that keeps coming back: Hahaha.
7.) believe there is life on other planets: Not really.
8.) read the newspaper: Yeah. But it's depressing.
9.) have any gay or lesbian friends: Dunno.
10.) believe in miracles: Dunno.
11.) consider police a friend or foe: Ha, I don't consider police.

1.) do you have any regrets: Sure got one lah, still need to ask. Actually... I dunno.
2.) i am happiest when: I'm with people I like.
3.) i feel lonely: No.
4.) what makes you mad: Bad timing. That, and sometimes my brother.

1.) what's the craziest thing you have ever done: Code Red comes to mind.
2.) any bad habits: The usual.
3.) any secret crushes: No.
4.) do you think too much: Hm... let me see...