Saturday, November 20, 2004

Ooooooh I just had the coolest time!

The exams are SO OVER!

The two highlights of the day:

1. I got my face and my hair done by Kromatik! <3 the lovely lady.

2. Pedro Tochas! He was so hilarious, and so brilliant. He did this really cool thing with a broom too. You'd never think anything with a broom could be cool if it didn't involve flying. Well, he did it. Genius., check it out.

Later, if it doesn't rain, we're going to go to East Coast to try and see the meteor shower. I'm also not giving up on the Canon Filmfest - I'm gonna try and catch the sunset, then weave some story around it. All by Sunday. Don't think I can do it? Try me.

Funny how I wasn't this determined for the O Levels. Oh well.

I was starting to think of what I'd do if my results couldn't keep me in VJC and I couldn't get into Poly either. I thought maybe I could work, maybe make money off muggernet, perform on the streets, be like Ryan who dropped out of college and did stand up in strip clubs with stolen material...

Then I realised I probably would get into some other JC that I don't want to get into. Which would be good enough, I guess.

Edit: It rained.