Thursday, October 21, 2004

So last night I had a cool dream. My brother, father and I were at the Esplanade watching something like Whose Line. It looked nothing like the Esplanade; in fact it looked like some place in a foreign country, and I thought it was at first, see, only I found out it wasn't. But it was the Esplanade, at any rate. K. The first thing I remember is that I was on stage being a volunteer, or something, and my brother was next to me, and we were sitting on the Whose Line stools, and there were a few of us. And Colin Mochrie (and probably other Whose Line people) was in front of me and he turned around and gave us a thumbs up or something and I tried to wave to him but he turned back to the front and then I think he noticed me and looked back again and I waved again and he gave me a thumbs up and asked "hey are you the one who wrote the letter? Did you write any letter?" and I said "Er, I wrote an email." (I did.) And he said "oh" and gave me another smile and thumbs up. During the show some weird photographer came and took pictures of me and my brother and my dad and Colin. And after the show I went out to the lift lobby where there was also a gift shop and I thought "I'll go buy something for Colin and something for him to sign." Right, so I went in and a saw a lot of cards and this shop was weird - it made you write down like the product codes and prices of what you want to buy on this form thing. So because I liked quite a few greeting cards I wrote down quite a few. And then on this table there were like blown up photos, and they were all of me and my brother and my dad and Colin. o.O Which were probably taken by that weird photographer. Well anyway they were quite bad photos but I thought I'd buy one anyway so Colin could sign it, right? Then in the end I decided on one photo (apparently they were $33++ each) and a piece of fancy brown paper card that said "joy" in fancy font and folded in a strange way. So I brought the stuff to the cashier and started writing a letter to Colin on the fancy brown card. Cos I decided letter reigned over email. And also, the cashier was taking a really long time which was really annoying cos I was afraid Colin was going to go off already and I wouldn't be able to catch him. When the cashier was finally done keying in all the stuff he asked me for $55++. I was like "what the" cos I only bought two things (and the photograph didn't cost $33++ after all) and he said "no, but you see, you wrote all these product codes down and didn't cancel them off!" -_-

And then I woke up (at 7am) and I was like blah cos I hadn't got Colin's autograph yet so I started daydreaming and in that daydream I got his autograph. But then I actually fell asleep, and the dream actually continued from where the real dream left off. So I didn't have Colin's autograph, and I was sad, and I asked my brother "was that a dream? Did we really meet Colin Mochrie?" And he said "yeah, he asked you about some letter wat." And I was happy. And there was irrelevent stuff in between like how I crossed the road when the lights were red and had to dodge like a looooot of cars. Skip skip skip k then I was at home. And there was this lady, called Lorraine (which is the name of Neil Gaiman's assistant), who was some sort of person like, helping out at the shows at the Esplanade, or something, so she knew Colin. She was also either redecorating my house, or staying at my house for some time. Anyway, while I was out crossing the road and almost getting hit by cars they had installed windows in my room. With curtains. They cut out large holes in the wall and I could see like nice scenery outside and it was a cool night. This is technically impossible since the wall connects my bedroom to my brother's. Anyway there was some thing with money and Lorraine and I gave her all my money and she didn't give it back and she told me Colin's birthday was the 20th of October (and it was the 17th of October) so I added "happy birthday" to the fancy brown card I had bought (I hadn't finished the letter). She also told me which hotel Colin was staying at but told me not to go there. They were staying in Singapore until the 24th. Then me and my brother and my dad went to the Esplanade again to watch more shows. I saw Jingwen, among other people, right in front (there were no seats it's like a platform for the stage and carpet for people to sit on). It wasn't comedy; I was hoping to see Colin again. Instead it seemed like some charity performance with Singaporean actors all decked out in Cheena gear. Oh, also, it was exam period, but I didn't bother too much (which is kinda scary). There was a little half-animatronic sparrow, which ate up bits of paper. And then I went to the backstage room. I forgot why. Then my brother was in the room too and I asked where dad was and he said "I don't know" and I said "no we must find him!" and we went out and found him sitting on the floor watching 3 ang mohs doing very bad comedy in Chinese. It had a lot of sexual references. I woke up after that.

Ah well.

Chem pract was fine, I guess, I might be able to get 36, but only becaused I screwed up the design experiment so that's 4 marks down the sink. Everyone else will get full marks.

Edit: Colin's birthday is 30th November.

Also, Ryan had a kid this year! Wow. Her name's Claire.