Friday, October 22, 2004

I am quite upset.

Anyway, I had a cool dream last night again. It's very complicated, but it did involve Ryan Stiles (you see, I am obsessed) but he wasn't very nice. =( I only remember snippets, like how I was playing Helping Hands with Ryan and Christine and I was being Ryan's hands. I remember telling Ryan "damn, you are bloody tall". The scene was something about someone serving the other person a drink, given by Colin, I think, who was behind this studio sort of glass thing in front of us. Halfway through, Christine wasn't saying much, and my actions made little sense, and Ryan disappeared. As in, he kinda turned into a soft doll or something like that and I could bend the doll's torso and make it act like a tray to put drinks on. Er. Yeah, he disappeared to behind the glass thing, and it was very frustrating cos I was doing actions to no words cos Ryan wasn't saying anything cos he wasn't there.

I woke up some time through the dream but it definitely kind of continued because there was a recurring place and everything had to do with time travel. We'd (this group of people consisted of ... argh I don't know, but we were secret agents) come back to this same place and it's always this wall which is always in some sort of blue and pink, and it may or may not have a hole in it to get through. The last time we went back to that place, it was blue and pink and checkered, and we needed to find a way in because it was a whole complete wall. So we started knocking on the wall to find hollow parts we could knock out and I found one and one of the guys (they were mostly made up of Singaporean Chinese actors) boxed the square out. And eventually we kinda almost had the whole wall down and then with one last deafening crash the wall collapsed, revealing Nicholas Tse's treasure. Yeah, I know, neat. But then suddenly there was only me and two other people, and we were getting frantic cos we could hear Nicholas Tse and his personal bodyguard? outside and they wanted to get in. We found a key and locked the door and quickly called our boss person (our headquarters was the house where Ryan and Colin stayed in) and Nicholas Tse couldn't open the door and we were all like lying low and I woke up and couldn't go to bed again.