Sunday, March 07, 2004

I'm breaking down, I'm breaking down.

But I can't, can I? I won't allow myself to. It's too early to do that; it's not worth doing that, ever, at any time.

Oh, you don't understand. I could tell you, but maybe I'm not brave enough. You don't understand.



I wanted to blog about the nice, long conversations I had with Nat, Gina and Faith on Friday, and with Izzy on Saturday when we went to the Career Fair at Suntec after Founder's Day, but I don't feel up to it now.


Maybe the reason I desire so, so much to fly is that I want to escape from life for a while. From school, from responsibility, from everything... Just freeze time, take a break, run away... I want to fly. I want to fly away.


I love my mum.


I love my friends, my class and my house. Hugs to them, just because.


Okay, this year is testimonial year. Therefore, this year just has to be the year that I screw up the most and everyone notices. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know any more. Tardiness seems to be the trend with me, and I hate it.

I hate it.


And because Colorquiz rocks in a scary kind of way:

Your Existing Situation

Seeks to express the need for identification in a sensitive and intimate atmosphere where esthetic or emotional delicacy can be protected and nurtured.

Your Stress Sources

Has an unsatisfied need to ally herself with others whose standards are as high as her own, and to stand out from the herd. This desire for preeminence isolates her and inhibits her readiness to give herself freely. While she wants to surrender and let herself go, she regards this as a weakness which must be resisted. This self-restraint, she feels, will lift her above the rank and file and ensure recognition as a unique and distinctive personality.

Your Restrained Characteristics

Emotionally inhibited. Feels forced to compromise, making it difficult for her to form a stable emotional attachment.

Clings to her belief that her hopes and ideas are realistic, but needs encouragement and reassurance. Applies very exacting standards to her choice of a partner and wants guarantees against loss or disappointment.

Circumstances are restrictive and hampering, forcing her to forgo all joys and pleasures for the time being.

Your Desired Objective

Feels the existing circumstances are hostile and is exhausted by conflict and quarreling. Wishes to protect herself and hides her intentions to avoid exposing them to attack, so that they will be safer and easier to achieve. Careful to avoid stirring up any opposition which might endanger her plans.

Your Actual Problem

The unsatisfied desire to be respected, to stand out from amongst her friends, is causing some anxiety. As a result, normal gregariousness is suppressed and she refuses to allow herself to become involved, or to participate with others in their ordinary activities.

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