Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Today was a very cold day. The air-con in the office was cold, and it was raining outside, too. Luckily I brought a sweater.

So, this morning I approached Apple and asked her if there was anything she wanted me to help her with, and she told me I'd done everything she had for me to do, so I lounged around for a bit, until Ong gave me some cup things to wrap in bubble wrap. Meanwhile, Apple went to look for Jeannie to see if there were things for us to do, and in the middle of my bubble-wrapping Jeannie came over and told me about merchandising and sourcing and stuff like that, and gave me two huge catalogue/sources thingies to look at. I needed a computer to type out letters though, so I had to wait till after lunch when Ong would go off and I could use his computer.

I finished bubble-wrapping, and with nothing to do, went to walk around the Gallery a bit. It's really nice; everything is so intricately made and all, but it's all so expensive. There were some really cute things I thought I might buy, but the prices put me off a bit. Still, I'm considering.

When Ong left I got to start on the "real" office work. It wasn't more interesting than filing, actually, but at least I got to move around. I had to type letters (use first letter as template and change company addresses, heh), print them out (go to Apple's office to get them from her printer), photocopy pictures from the catalogues so that the manufacturers know what we're interested in (waste paper because print wrongly), fax them overseas (wait around a lot), stamp a "FAXED 02 Dec 2003" chop on the faxed letters (fun!), and staple the letter and the pictures together (phew). I sent out 16 letters, and will continue tomorrow.

The people at the office are very nice. There's this 16 year old guy, Hanson, who just finished his Os. Then there's Apple, Jeannie, Ong, Jerry, Kerry, Lynn, Felicia, Jenny, and Charlene. Those are the people working in the same office as me, at least. Well, except Jeannie, she's got her own office at the lobby; she's the PA. Whee. Nice people. I will offer them biscuits tomorrow.

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