Friday, December 12, 2003

Nothing much yesterday.

Today was the last day of my work attachment. I spent the morning playing pinball on the computer (because they said "aiyah you last day, relax lah, stop looking for things to do!") and after lunch, I did some packing (candy candles! =) and in the last 2 or so hours, Apple found something for Hanson and I do to (actually only Hanson, but I wanted to do it too =P) - layout things like "Saying NO is a first sign of self confidence" onto a square so they can print on coasters and t-shirts and stuff. Twas fun.

Then, when I was just leaving, Apple presented me with a card that everyone signed, and a beautiful present from her. Those wonderful people... *tear* Awww so niiice! I thanked everyone while she walked me out to get my money. Ahh, lovely people. Lovely, lovely people. I totally enjoyed this work experience. I will send postcards from China. *nod*

In other news, am reshooting canteen scene of Paper Cranes with Dawn tomorrow. It shall be a two-woman show, again.

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