Friday, March 03, 2006


Ok so while I wait for my American Idol results show repeat at 11.30, I shall blog about what a heartthrob Ace Young is. XD

Yes. He appeared in my dream last night. *swoon* Actually, I ruined his song. I was singing (duets, I think) with every single one of the contestants, and Ace was last, and just before we got on stage, I forgot the damn lyrics. o_o My mind went blank, my heart filled with dread, and I got offstage feeling so so bad.

I think he was mad at me for a while, but we kinda kissed and made up. XD

No, it wasn't hot and steamy like I know you're thinking right now. =P It was so... sweet and nice and absolutely lovely. I took a nap in the afternoon and promptly slept through my alarm in hopes of continuing the dream, but to no avail. So actually, me missing the Mediabiz Awards meeting was Ace Young's fault. *nod*

Yes, Tiq, David is cute, but Ace has those smouldering eyes, good lord. There is hope for me yet. I will be his wardrobe consultant and buy him loads of beanies so that he can have 298436 to choose from every night.


I think I am filled with happy bubbles tonight. ^_^ Work wasn't boring at all. I didn't even go to the toilet or go drink water to waste time. I actually had fun calling people up. I think I figured out what I don't like about work - it's the waiting. Good god, there are days when people just plain don't answer the phone and I sit there and I just want to cry because they all hang up on me and all that. Plus tonight I was sitting next to Andrea again and it's so much easier to pass the time with her there because we can tell each other our WTF'd moments. I actually love talking to people when they do pick up the phone and listen.

Or maybe the lilt in my voice was because of that really really sweet dream. ^_____^

Or maybe I'm just happy cos I think I did pretty good at my audition yesterday. I do hope I get the role. Any role. It would be fun to work and learn on a professional set just before I start Year 2.

Or maybe I'm still cheered from the Madhatter rehearsal last night, which was hilarity at its best. Roger is side-splittingly awesome and Steve makes me cry tears of mirth. It will be an uproarious Madhatter Monday! 6 March, 8pm, The Arts House. $21 ($16 for students) will include your ticketing fee and a never-seen-before Oscar Extravaganza. Be there, or... I'll make you listen to the Vengaboys for the rest of eternity.

Ok I shall just end off by saying I WANT KIDS. T___T The moment of truth came to me tonight as I was looking through my list of people-to-call, because you know I call so many people up, then their kids pick up the phone, and they go "huh? mummy not at hooome" and they are so ADORABLE. So. Cute. ARGHIYEEEEE.

Ok Andrea says I should watch Star World now. Bye.


Stella said...

ZOMG YES!!! Ace Young FTW!!

Anonymous said...

NO! DAVIDD!!! is cute. haishhhh.

and kids are CUTE TOO!