Monday, March 13, 2006

blow out the candles

My birthday passed without great fanfare. Went to Library@Orchard expecting to be some stupid flyer giver-outer person but the person in charge was late and we decided if she's not going to turn up in 10 mins we're going to zhao and we did. I mean honestly, we'd waited for half an hour already. There were way more interesting ways to spend my birthday.

Classy French dinner at night with the family. Got moolah from daddy (one angpow with SG$ for the birthday, one with RM for good grades cos I'm going to KL this week :D), and my brother thrust guitar case at me when we got home. ^^;

Well anyway YES I AM 18 and I am LEGAL. Yeeeee-haaa!


The next day I was woken by my dad saying eh your friend come already and I was all HUH WTF what friend I didn't ask any friend to come and I cancelled my guitar lesson and what 2 friends huh issit Eugene's friends and then TIQ poked her head around the door and PAUL was there too and I was like O_O ZOMG omg omg and she said GET OUT OF BED LA WE BROUGHT YOU BREAKFAST ^_____________^ ahahhahaha <33333 thank youu.

They brought me a hat too. Love love the hat. And in true ES fashion - birthday pancakes. ^_^

And everyone had the cake we didn't cut the night before because we were all too full from Classy French Dinner and it was all good. :D


Then I went to work and it was miserable.


Then I watched Coupling at 10 and it was hilarious as always. I remember the shoe episode. Wahahahhaa.

Then I watched Amazing Race which my mum taped for me. Oh man. I am a fangirl of BJ and Tyler. Damn. Every damn time they come on screen they make me smile like an idiot because they are so CRAZY INSANE FUN you cannot help but love how they are so happy and cool and fun omg...

They are so happyyyyy. XD I want them to win. I wanted them to win from the moment I saw the trailer for this season's Amazing Race. So awesome fun. And they were first to arrive for this leg of the race YAY!


Ok I have to clean up my room now (wow, how many times have I said that and gone through with it?) or I won't get my allowance. My mum said this morning I won $60 at mahjong yesterday. If you and Eugene can tidy up your rooms before you go out we split it 3-ways.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

heyyy. =))) you're welcome. lol. hope we didn't cause too much trouble with the unexpected visit.

xx tiq