Wednesday, February 15, 2006

this post is anyhowly one

So I was telling the girls that geez, I'm seventeen, I'm not looking for commitment. Yannow. I just wanna have pure hedonistic fun with no strings attached and no expectations, because otherwise I know I'm going to get hurt over and over. Imma protect myself. Life is too short for you to keep getting upset. I wanna meet lots of interesting peeeooopleeeee and I want to do lots of improv and I wanna make lots of art. Imma be a RULES GIRL LOL.

You know what's so annoying? When words are so convoluted/vague/not grammatical enough that you have to read through them 2384623976 times before you understand what they mean. Percom suddenly makes sense, lol.

I've been talking so much hahaha. The other day I was skyping, and then I called Frou Frou, and then I felt like calling Tiq, and Randall, and Zit, because there is so much fun in just yakking to friends. And I still want to see Elly and Zit because those two are so much fun, and I wanna go for drinks at Stella's place, and I want to make new friends, and I want to laugh often and much. XD

I'm wondering whether to put all my ang pao money in the bank, or keep some to spend. I think I'm going to start on my dad's stuff soon so that I can show him the stuff and get moolah soon. I want a cool job. ): I'm actually really considering doing the KennyYong portfolio thing. It would be soooo cool.

A huge chunk of my nail broke off yesterday, egads. And I promised Paul I would practice my guitar two hours a day, too. Ok. I seriously need to start planning my holidays.

ROFL. Google is coming up with a payment thing to compete with Paypal, and they are going to call it GBuy. LOL. These people say it better than I do.

"...if you admire two kinds of work equally, but one is more prestigious, you should probably choose the other. Your opinions about what's admirable are always going to be slightly influenced by prestige, so if the two seem equal to you, you probably have more genuine admiration for the less prestigious one." From here.

"Your only real competition is yourself." - Sharan XD

because cowboys are teh sex.

OKAY. I think by the end of today, my room must be neat and clean, holiday calanders must be drawn up, my guitar strings must be changed and my nails filed.

Or, at the very least, the jar of Prego pasta sauce should be out of my room.

Edit: ZOMG it's 3.25pm and I haven't had lunch!


evie said...

hahahah.. the pasta sauce is still in your room!?!

FuSe said...


you sound like you're on crack posting this :|. crackwhore..

anyway reply to the paintball email leh!! GARNER SUPPORT. SOUND ENTHU PLS

Anonymous said...


and cos you say no one tag =/


cole. said...

hey i wanna do improv too ;)

p.s. i recently read a book on improv - "improv wisdom" by patricia madson. will review it soon on my blog.