Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas meme!

Okay it's not exactly a Christmas meme but it's Christmas today! So. Took it from Tiq.

10 Really Random Things About Me

1. My house is an art gallery. There are at least 22 paintings hanging on the walls. All cheena cheena one. But nice. ^_^
2. I love the Everly Brothers. I love the way their harmony totally blends.
3. I used to like durians a lot when I was a kid. Now I don't really eat them any more.
4. I watched Pirates of the Caribbean because I heard there was a Singapore reference. I ended up loving the show, and I didn't get the Singapore reference.
5. There was only once in my life I didn't use a notebook halfway. It was last year, and it was my Paperchase notebook, and it cost me about $18, and I still have it and all the pencil scribblings over it.
6. I'm taking up the guitar again! Paul's gonna be teaching me. ^_^
7. I've wanted a dance partner ever since I watched Dirty Dancing. It's so sexyy.
8. I used to stay at Geylang East Ave 1. Now I stay at Geylang East Ave 2.
9. My guitar's name is Ben and my lappy's name is Mervin.
10. I think I want to be a movie editor.

9 Ways to Win My Heart

1. Make me laugh.
2. Whisper me sweet nothings.
3. Be good at something I'm not (but don't be smug about it, and teach me).
4. Be generally romantic.
5. Take me places I've never been and bring me new experiences.
6. Be somewhat artistic and have a sharp mind.
7. Don't be shy. It's sexy to ask for it when you want something.
8. Praise me and compliment me and don't tell me things I don't need to hear (tact/sensitivity and being honest is different. People should always tell me exactly what is on their mind and not try to be subtle about it, when I need to hear it, because I will understand. Be blunt and honest when you need to.)
9. Want me.

8 Things I Carry/Wear Everyday (more or less lah)

1. My phone
2. My wallet
2b. The things in my wallet
3. My keys
4. Either my contacts or my glasses
5. My lappy (I suppose I do carry it around at some time every day)
6. Clothes, in general
7. Er, underwear?
8. A smile (I try)

7 Things That Annoy Me

1. The fact that my brother keeps taking my laptop (nowadays it's to play Maple Story -__-)
2. When people don't move in for more passengers to get on buses and MRTs (this includes acting noble and not sitting down on buses, when you can and you should because it makes more standing space)
3. When my parents say that I can't drink or club till I'm 21, or when they act like I should be all good and pure
4. When people talk and talk and talk and talk and haolian about themselves
5. My own procrastination
6. When I think too much and too deep and generally depress myself
7. Bad organisation and planning

6 Places I've Visited (lower case) or Intend Want To Visit (upper case)

1. Australia
2. Malaysia
3. Hong Kong

5 Things I Want to Do Before I Die

1. Be rich and famous
2. World Tour
3. Skydive
4. Learn to ride a horse in a really cool way (like, not just trotting around a track)
5. Omg win some pretigious film competition

4 Things I'm Afraid Of

1. Screwing up
2. Loneliness
3. Losing the ones I love
4. Dying

3 Things I Do Everyday

1. Go online
2. Raid the fridge
3. Listen to music

2 Things I'm Trying Not To Do Now

1. Think about the mess in my room
2. Fall asleep

1 Person I Want to See Now

1. Hmm. (:


edit: Omg I was going to do this and then I forgot - I'm making comments available! This comes after more than a year of adamently saying no to comments even though you guys have bugged me to put them up. So yeah, it's my Christmas present, I hope you like it... just please don't do things like zomg you have comments yayyy because that's just what I don't want XP oh whatever, it's Christmas, do what you like =P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

zomg you have comments yayyy!!!


10 Really Random Things About Me

1. My house is an art gallery. There are at least 22 paintings hanging on the walls. All cheena cheena one. But nice. ^_^

*Haha mine too... 10 paintings (but they're all rather huge... and not cheena though) and three more painted by us*

3. I used to like durians a lot when I was a kid. Now I don't really eat them any more.

*I <3 durians!!!*

7 Things That Annoy Me

1. The fact that my brother keeps taking my laptop (nowadays it's to play Maple Story -__-)

*the fact that MY brother keeps using the com, and MY OTHER brother ties up the TV, leaving me with nothing to do :X*

2. When people don't move in for more passengers to get on buses and MRTs (this includes acting noble and not sitting down on buses, when you can and you should because it makes more standing space)


5 Things I Want to Do Before I Die

1. Be rich and famous


3. Skydive

*ME TOO!!*

4 Things I'm Afraid Of

*Fear is the path to the dark side*

1. Screwing up

*everyone makes mistakes...*

3. Losing the ones I love

*One must learn to let go of the things or people they fear to lose*

4. Dying

*All death is certain..*

2 Things I'm Trying Not To Do Now

1. Think about the mess in my room

*the maid came yesterday so my room's still ok neat*