Friday, February 23, 2007


So on my Google homepage, I have the Word-of-the-Day and a Quote-of-the-Day, and here are today's:

lapidary: of or pertaining to stone cutting; also, terse or refined in expression.

What a strange word!

And the quote of the day is...

Where lipstick is concerned, the important thing is not color, but to accept God's final word on where your lips end.
- Jerry Seinfeld


Today was a good day! The following is a few words to remind me of it.

Barefoot. Ministry of Health. Breakfast. Washerwoman. Private Security (Glorified Babysitters). 30Feb,32Mar. Ris Carton. ;D

And I met Gao Yuan and babbled a lot ahahhaha.


I had a dream last night! I was in Austin, Texas. And it was all dry and sand and dirt trucks with little houses on the side. Austin's probably not like that, I dunno. But I was trying to get to Memphis, and by hitching a ride, I think.

Then I checked things up and according to Google Maps, Memphis is in Tennessee and driving from Austin to Memphis would take close to 10 hours.

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