Monday, December 25, 2006


Why do I brood? ): It's Christmas, me! Cheer up!


On Saturday I had a lovely day with Izzy, Janice and Tiq. We went to Settler's Cafe @ Holland V and played games for kids aged 6 and up. We are too n00b for anything more awesome.

We had cupcakes, too, on monkey bars, and then we had a Turkish dinner @ Far East.

I am very bad at Cafe Celeb, but it is fun anyway. I will PWN YOU one day, Cafe Celeb! *shakes fist*


I have also been back on YouTube, watching stuff. I discovered more comedians: Josh Blue (winner of Last Comic Standing season 4; has cerebal palsy), Baron Vaughn (black guy; reminds me of Isaac LOL), and Rob Paravonian (who is a guitar comic like Stephen Lynch, only Stephen Lynch pwns everyone's ass).

Rob Paravonian got featured:

I also managed to watch Last Laugh '06, which wasn't that funny, but had Rob Corddry in it so all was well. ;D

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