The latest! October 9's Colbert Report. It is brilliant; it looks great, Stephen is hilarious, I think they've got a new jib or special something* because whoa that camera can do some 1337 things. They've continued to really really make use of graphics in kickass parody ways, and really, an awesome awesome episode that, after perhaps a week of weak shows, had this pine fresh scent. Very enjoyable.
So much so that I heard about the Korea thing (on The Daily Show, no less - Nuke Kid On The Block -, which I watched just before the Report) and got a little scared, but when the Report came on I just laughed and laughed till the end. Seriously: I watched those two shows back to back and first real LOL was at the check-in with the Report.
And it's not even like I have a ColbertBias or anything; I actually happen to believe that Jon is a very charming, very handsome, yummylicious funnyman, and frankly, most of the time, more personable than News!Colbert. But this episode was top notch. ;D It had News!Colbert, Now With Added
* maybe they put little cameras on tracks on the ceiling, I don't know.
In other news, InDesign officially r0x0r my s0x0r. It looks like the most awesomecool layout/anything designing thingy evehhhhh. Of course, next to bloody Quark everything looks like bunnies eating cherries.
So here's the active lifestyle for me right now:
- Canon DV Fest. We're calling it Inaudible. Isn't that nice and pseudo-artsy at least? ;D
- Frou Frou's multicam thing Flavours of Life. Apparently I get to co-produce it, when basically I have just been asking questions like "so er, is your host going to wear the same thing twice?" and "what's a jigger?" [ans: a 11/2 -oz. (45-ml) measure used in cocktail recipes]
- I borrowed two books from the library today, after Sue Anne and I went traipsing around Borders (after a teabreak/script discussion at TCC after chicken rice at Far East after tips and technical jargon at the InDesign World event at the Grand Hyatt). They are about Photoshop and After Effects and they come with LearnAlongNow!CD-roms. Hopefully I'll learn ... stuff.
- Youtube. WHICH IS NOW GOOGLETY (short for Google Property) OMG. And other "illegal" hijinks.
- Lastly, thinking about the possible doom that is Year Two Sem Two. DUN DUN DUN DUUUN.
P.S. Here are books I would like to own (preferably autographed):
America: The Book
I Like You: Hospitality Under The Influence
Anything by David Sedaris
American Gods + Fragile Things (I saw it in Borders!! The cover is oh-so-pretty-omgit'saFRAGILETHING)
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