Thursday, September 21, 2006


I just had a super day~!

I woke up late, then went for an audition, and apparently I did really well!
Although, the last time that happened, I got called back for a second audition and that was the end of anything. Oh well, it was fun.
Anyway, it was for a sitcom and the role is fun and flirty, which is cool because I might never be like that in real life. It's gonna be done in HD and aired overseas! If I get the part I get to shoot in Bangkok!
Of course, when I came home, my mum had to dampen my mood by saying I don't approve of you going overseas for all this type of thing ah. -_-

After I came home and rested for a while, I went to the Superheroes chalet! They screened their short film, in which I was acting as the McDonald's manager (not very well actually) and it was pretty cool! They had cool animation and all. Well done well done! ;D

I hung around quietly at first, but later I started playing the fighting game on the PS2 there and GUESS WHAT - I totally PWN'D EVERYBODY, bwahahahhaha!


Yep, so that was it. Tomorrow is shooting for council's Canon entry. Hope we do okay. It shall be FUN!

1 comment:

evie said...

wah go bangkok and shoot so cool. hope you get the role