Friday, September 16, 2005

Okay, so I'm going to blow $250 later on composite cards.


I think it'll be great if, after we learn video/audio editing in school, I'm good enough for Kenny Yong to get me freelancing. So far he's cool with me, I think; in fact, I don't think any of the lecturers have anything against me. I gotta keep that up. Gosh, there are still 5 more semesters to go, eh.

I don't think I could be happier, being where I am. :) Staying in VJC would've really sucked. I love CMM, I love my classmates, I love the fact that I got into things quickly enough. I want the same class - or at least the same group - next semester. I'm going to hope very hard for that, and it doesn't matter if Sue Anne or Philip don't want me because I want them and I don't care, I'm selfish like that.

I do miss people, though, and it kinda sucks that the poly and JC holidays don't match up. Plus the fact that promos are coming, everyone's busy and no one's been talking to me on MSN! >=(

Edit: Okay, Janice has, and it's been nutty fun. XD

Hahaha last night I was really bored and I was talking to Stella and Sharan and I wrote them Musicals Of Doom (MOD). They said they'd blog it but I think I'm faster, mwahaha.


Extract from -
Whipped Cream Being The Gooseberry: The Musical

Stella Seet
Brad Pitt

BP: Oh Stella!
SS: Oh Brad!
BP: Stella baby I love you so.
SS: *cue to melt*
BP: Here, have this, as a token of my love.
SS: ... this bowl of whipped cream?
BP: Yes, my love. This bowl of whipped cream.

*cue music*

This bowl of whipped cream
Represents my dreaaaam
I want to be with you forevermoooore

Ooohh but it is a gooseberry
So let's mix it with some sherry
And take me down to the danceflooooor

BP and SS:
When the whipped cream is the gooseberry
It isn't as bad as it sooooouunds
We will eat, drink and be merry
Let love make the world go rooooound!

SS: *spoken* Oh Brad, let's run away, run away together!

BP: I will never let you go loose
SS: And it's all because of this goose
BP: We'll have whipped cream, a night of wild sex
SS: And I don't even mind that you lost your six packs
BP and SS:
They looked so good in Troy and now they're gooooone!
Well, whatever, let's go look at poooooorn!
BP: Let's go...
SS: look at...
BP and SS: pooorn!



Heyy You're Alive!

Sharan Kaur Gill
Julian Hee
Allan Wu
Josh Harnett
Ryan Seacrest

Sponsered by:
Dettol Antiseptic Cream
Whisper (with wings)


Sh: Oh Julian!
Ju: (in a sexy voice and a wink) Hey Sharan...
Sh: *narrows eyes* What do you think you did with your hair!
Ju: ... huh?

*cue music*

Julian, what you gotta do is listen to this song
Why did you make your hair to be so long
It doesn't suit you, in fact it sickens
It's rebonded and dyed until burnt chickens

Ju: *spoken* What hair? Where?

It's the hair on your head, ooh mama you're adorable
I just wish your million dollar smile was more affordable
Anyway you're definitely on my list
Just watch out for my iron clad fist
(winks and pushes Julian out of the line; Allan Wu is next)

Sh: *spoken* Hey Allan!
Al: *smiles bigly* Hey babe, you and Julian aren't fated.
Sh: Nope, we'll never be related. *giggles*
Al: What you need, is to come with me
Sh: Ooohh you hot thing why are you marriiiied?

Babe, forbidden fruit tastes better
Anyway it doesn't matter
Because honey have no fear
I'd drink gross things for you my dear


Sh: Oh but you talk too faaaaast
Al: Honey that will be in the paaaaast
Sh: You'd slow down for meeeee?
Al: Yeah, fast talk will be historyyyyy!

Sh: *pushes Allan away* Not good enough!

Jo: Hey. *smiles and waves*
Sh: *cue melt*
Oh gosh
This Josh
Brooding looks
In my books
This requires a OMGWTFBBQqqqqqqqqq

I was so good in Pearl Harbour
Everyone wants to be my neighbour
When all the bombing went on all I could dream
Was of you, Sharan, and Dettol antiseptic cream
You were applying it for me (doo wah, doo wah)
You were all that I could seeeeee!

I remember that well
When your face would swell
We would rediscover
The great wonder
Jo and Sh: of Dettol
Chorus: of Dettoooool
Jo and Sh: Dettol Antiseptic Creaaaaam!

Jo: *spoken* I love you Sharan. Marry me!
Sh: (stunned) I... I can't!
Jo: (even more stunned) Why!
Ry: Because she loves me!
Jo: *turns slowly to Sharan* Is this true?
Sh: Yes Josh. I'm sorry. *tear*

Everybody loves me, I am so hot
Just because a straight guy I'm not
You think I'm beautiful because I'm gay
Well let me tell you now this is what I'll saaaay

With all my gayness I will sing
That I even use Whisper with wings
Every bit of gaiety is overflowing in me
Every single man who's sober's going to meee

But I love you!

And I don't!

Why are you so gaaaay

I do it every daaaay

You are so gaaaay

This waaaaay
I will staaaaay



Why are the lines so ridiculous? I don't know, ask them. They said all those things about the guys... Julian's hair and what not. Not me! My job is just to... rhyme them. XD


Maybe I don't ask questions because all this time I'm still afraid of the "no", the answer I don't want. It's like the I-don't-want-my-worst-fears-to-be-confirmed. But that isn't the way to go, is it? I don't know why if I'm with people I can do the craziest things, doesn't matter if they join in or not; but when I'm on my own, I don't seem to have that confidence. It's so silly.

Anyway, hurrah for this entry! It isn't long because of surveys! It's got actual content! XD