Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Tonight's show was frikking awesome. All the people who were like "who's that chink guy in the yellow shirt? I don't like him" last month should so totally have been there because Ray completely PWNed. Great moments, good long laughs. So wonderful. So wonderful.

Although Hanyin and Janice are in denial of it because they miss Nick and Matt. *muttermutter*

I will also never forget Ray's hilarious line delivered with utmost perfection at rehearsal last night: "Is that your statue? Looks like a dick." *tears* You had to be there.


In other news, I am sleepy, but before I go to school tomorrow, I must have:

- finished design work for Farketing Plan
- corrected, printed and filed my GraDesFund assignment
- done my IWA

For now... I will take a nap (although when I did that last night I didn't wake up until I had to head to school).