YAAAY I finished my poster and my advertorial.
My arrogance will kill me someday.
Too many one-liners spoil... everything.
OMG. Nick. Skillicorn. Is. Hawt.
I've just seen his MSN space and his photos from Chicago and what a sexy beast.
I will now post random pictures of
From top: gourmet, strawberry, seashells, J Lo, rain, Colin
First semester is over in two more weeks. Exams are first week of September, and then there will be NOTHING for seven weeks. I heard somewhere that the class wants to have an outing overseas. I think that would be quite fun.
But then the buskers' fest will be when school starts again while all you JC people have holidays. I'll still go, of course, but it's a bit of a bummer.
And this year, I shall really have to watch everyone.
Of course, I've said that for the past 2 years.
Meme time (this is when you know I've run out of things to say. I never had much anyway; but at least you know I'm trying to find something to write that you might read.):
Question of the day:
If you could be a spokesperson for any product on the market, what product would you choose to represent?
I would endorse Jaffa apple juice because it's the best apple juice in the world.
Daily Haiku:
Write today's haiku about sweet, sugary, icy treats -- whether those are actually ice cream or not.
I have just realised
I have not had ice kachang
In a long long time
Unconscious Mutterings
I say ... and you think ... ?
Idiot:: idiot
Rocket:: scientist
Liability:: sushi
Harmless:: tortoise
Stringy:: spaghetti
Gwyneth:: Jones
Use it or lose it:: wallet
Theater:: sports
Sonic:: blue hedgehog
Pucker:: lips
Retreat. Ah. reminds me of holidays and resorts. Some people in class said they wanted to go to Bintan. I recently thought I had never been to Indonesia before but my mum reminded me that we went to Bintan when I was really little. Karmen says it's gorgeous. I think I'd rather go to KL and shop.
I'm having an awful breakout. Next week's resolutions:
- remove makeup and contacts once I get home.
- take no taxis to school.
Taxi costs suck, but it gets so addictive. Have an equation:
not rushing + still getting to school on time = good feeling - a lot of money
I want to read Anansi Boys. It sounds very enjoyable indeed.
It's past 430 and I'm bored. I'm gonna end my post here. Bye you scumbugs I love you.