Monday, March 07, 2005

So last night I couldn't sleep. Probably the first time I got insomnia. Must have been all the coke. Which I had at Charity's party. Which had guys and dancing. *hic* Woohoo!

Okay so I was damn high lah, and everyone said I looked really drunk wahahaha. Happy birthday Charity!

On Saturday my relatives came over to celebrate my birthday (which is this Friday *nudgenudgehinthint*) and I got presents! 2 Tshirts (one of which I found to be horribly transparent o_O), 1 lovely necklace, 1 rich taitai bag, 1 Fila handphone pouch thing, and 1 red Nike waterbottle. Wahahaa. And my brother got me POTC SOUNDTRACK!!! <33333 But best of all, I'm going to get a laptop! *squeeeeeeeeeee!!!* *does laptop dance* Ahahahaha >.< still high from yesterday wheeeeeeeee.