Tuesday, January 11, 2005

So. Various things have happened these two days.

My brother was sick and went to the hospital on Sunday, and got MC for yesterday and today. So I set off for school at like 7.25am yesterday and almost was late. Then there was an announcement to collect Econs notes and since I wasn't taking Lit (first block) I said okay I'll collect the notes. Subsequently I became Econs rep.

Maths was kinda boring.


I don't like lying to people. But when Corrie and Conan asked if TSD workshop was fun or not I turned away and said yeah, quite lah. Not that it wasn't fun, really. I was just nervous and a little scared, not knowing what to expect throughout everything.

A few of us were late, and I just went in quickly, lay on the floor and closed my eyes, going along with the warm-ups. I remembered Shumin making us do something like that for And I Hate You Too. After that we were asked to bounce, jump, act like a 5 year old, walk on a field (which became muddy), walk through honey, and then walk on a bed of nails.

We didn't get the nails right, so 6 by 6 we went across the room, going on the nails. My nails were placed far enough from each other so that I could walk in between them, and grab on to them to help me walk/crawl. It was tiring, it felt like OBS or something similar where I was scared and making my way across a log in the air. I didn't exactly step on any nails; I don't know if that was cheating.

I think from the discussion that followed I learnt about the question "why?". How important motivation is. Again I remembered Shumin, for Fish!, telling Max "I have no motivation to [do I-can't-remember-what] lah!" Going by that I guess your other actors should be convincing enough to motivate you to do what you're supposed to as well. There was some debate on methods of acting; how to portray something realistically. Imagination... Substitution of emotions... Method acting?

We then moved into a circle and did this clapping thing where we went round the circle, clapping one by one. We had to keep the clapping in the air, not dropping it. After a few rounds it was quite wonderful. Then we did it slowly, but with style. I was quite wowed by the effect that had; it looked graceful and almost fluid and reminded me of the little advertisement our TSD seniors did for the public performance last Saturday. I guess it was a small lesson in movement and sound and timing.

After that we all sat down and played a counting game which, come to think of it, we also did in And I Hate You Too. Basically you close your eyes and count. Any person can say the next number, but if two or more people say it at the same time you start back at one again. At first we couldn't get past five but then after a while we got to fourteen and we were happy but we weren't getting at what we were supposed to get. Then Mr Lofthouse gave us a hint, which was "let's see how long you can take to get to 5" and then "let's see if you can take 5 minutes to get to 5." We got to 28. And we talked about the silence in between numbers and how you hear so much more when you're not competing to get a number in, and about mounting tension, because as the numbers got higher the pauses between them got smaller. I'm still unclear on what I was supposed to take away from this, perhaps it was the use of silence. Perhaps it was simply relaxing, forgetting about competition. Oh! Perhaps it was how different words have different sounds to them. When we went more slowly, our numbers were more drawn out. And you could hear how different numbers didn't have the same tone. So maybe it was to take your time to pronounce words and get the tones right. Or maybe that's too specific.

Later we just sat and introduced ourselves. I have this horrible annoying thing that happens when I talk about things I want to do, or my passions, or other things like that. I cry. I'm not sad, I'm okay, but tears just come. It's very very annoying, and I have been trying to get rid of it since quite long ago (if you look at the side bar you'll see). I still remember when Mdm Yeo got Serene and I into a room and asked us to talk about ourselves (one of us was going to be chairperson and the other vice-chair) I cried too. It's like when Zhi Yong broke his arm and the tears just came, even when I knew he was going to be okay.

Anyway everyone else is like so profound, so argh.

After the workshop we had a little break before we came back and had World-in-Theatre do bits of Elektra for us. They showed us the symbols of Indian classical dance, masks, voice modulation, physical theatre and probably lots more. I am going to watch Elektra this Saturday, go me. I haven't watched a play in a long time. Anyway the thing that struck out the most for me was how physical movement could add so much colour to your character.

After everything I went home, had a bit of dinner and slept at 8 (I was very sick - every time I coughed my head would hurt). The PA people called me 3 times and I didn't answer.


Today I spent Lit doing the library assignment of the Econs tutorial thingy. I have one question blank though. But then during the break I heard George saying he only found 2 answers. I think I said "I got all but one" about 3 times but no one heard me. This is going to be a problem.

Somewhere in the middle of the day I met Mingli who is very very nice and gave me chocolates. I will put them in the fridge and they shall motivate me to get well soon. <3

Had History and Math. Math is kinda boring, History is much more interesting. I paid attention! In Math tutorial, in which we went through mathematical notations, I started drawing snitches. Then we had GP, which was cool because Mr Young is cool and played Catchphrase with us in the last 15 minutes. (I knew what FOOT 12" was and I said it but I don't think anyone heard me at all.) Then we had PE, which Sharlene and I sat out because we were sick, and then Vernie tripped and grazed her knee and elbow >.<, and then Valerie got stomach pains. It's the curse of our class!

After that I went for PA interview. It was very very weird. They asked me to take a seat first. I had to take this box (one of those they put equipment in) off the chair to sit down. They introduce themselves, and ask me to introduce myself. Then, they say, sing. I tell them I'm sick. So they say, okay, entertain us, tell us a joke. The only joke that stuck in my mind was David's super lame bible jokes: Which person in the bible was a president? Adam, because Eve was first lady. So like, no one laughed, because I don't do joke telling on command, I just am funny (well I used to be, I don't know where it went the past weeks). So anyway they say pick a number. I pick 3. Guan Ying holds up this book of dunno what seducing and says okay take this soft toy dog, pick a guy, and use the dog to do whatever I describe to seduce him. I think the guy was like omg please stop so it was over quite fast. Then I had to open the box that I took off the chair and they're like there's a person inside who's afraid of the light. Describe what you see. Well obviously there wasn't anyone inside because the box was too bloody small to have a person inside. Anyway the person inside was small, had black hair, called Andrew, and liked to juggle. He wouldn't answer me when I asked him why he was afraid of the light.

Then they ask me to go out, walk along a corridor and knock on this other door, go in and say I'm here. The room was very very dark. Then some voices asked me to find the chair on my right and sit down, then turn on the table lamp in front of me. Then they asked me all sorts of questions. It was over after that, and I rushed to the TSD room because we were supposed to help clean up the studio after PE but I went for the interview. They were still moving stuff around and I managed to help so yay?

While I was waiting for my mum to pick me up I started making up songs that I could have sung for the stupid interview. I was actually going to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star before I decided to say I was sick. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star would have been boring, but something which went Please let me join PA/ I've got nothing more to say/ ... and other rhyming lines would have been cooler. Unfortunately I didn't think of that. I didn't expect such a weird interview thingy.

I'm half hoping they don't want me though. I think I have enough to be getting along with.


Melody came down just now to get some F Math notes printed. Then we looked at poly websites. We have a date for Ngee Ann Poly open house next week. We also checked out Temasek Poly's website and Tourism and Hospitality Management sounds waaaaaaay cool okay. Like, SO COOL. Possibly even cooler than CMM which I have my eye on lah. From the website that is. Maybe I could do Tourism in poly and like mass comm in uni, then I have dip and degree... is that possible? No right. Must have same course issit? Oh bah. Anyway you learn to cook in Tourism and Hospitality! Greg Proops says his wife is very very smart and a very very good cook and I'm like ahhhh I want to be a good cook too! And I must be smarter! Oh and they have campus in Sentosa or something. Veh cool lah.


People are nice, very nice. But it's like I don't want to get too close, because then leaving would be so hard.