Friday, November 12, 2004


I had a Whose Line dream.

It was very vivid.

It featured Brad Sherwood. I'm quite sure Greg Proops and maybe Drew Carey were there as well, at least in the beginning. My brother had just introduced me to this local game show that he downloaded to watch, where the three of them had made a cameo/guest/special/whatever appearance. Then, somehow, I was at the studio recording of the game show and after the game, I got to talk to Brad. (^_______^;;;;;) He said something about me being billingual cos I could speak Chinese (hey in dreams, anything can happen =D) and how useful it was, and we talked about Singapore and how the fans were clamouring all over, and I said "well have you been to Japan? It'll probably be worse." At some point during this conversation with Brad two blonde girls came up to us and... I can't remember what they said.

Anyway, later, Brad and I were in this basement sort of area, kinda like a bare lobby, or an empty MRT station platform. He asked me if I wanted to play one of the Whose Line games, and it involved a see-saw. I said, wow yeah, cool, but play with youtheverygood? And he said yeah and I said yeah and he took out these see-saw parts and tried to fix them together while I went up and down on one side and SUDDENLY...

The fire alarm rang.

It went all dark and scary-like. I grabbed Brad's arm and we dashed through the door, ran up the stairs, force opened another door that led to the shopping mall, and found that the shopping mall was on fire. Well there wasn't fire, not that I saw, but there was a lot of smoke. So we ran all the way down again, telling people climbing up that they couldn't go there because the fire was there and burst through this door where it was all dark and there were blocks of wall all round the room.

It was strangely quiet. We rounded a corner and found to our horror, that some terrorists were holding a few people as hostages. We quickly ducked behind a wall thing and snuck around, only to find that there were terrorists with guns everywhere. We tried to get away, we tried to run, but in the end I was really scared and holding Brad really tight against the wall as this masked man pointed his gun at us.

The hostages, apparently, were given a chance to vote who they wanted to save among them. The ones who were saved could then take someone to be safe with them. To cut a bit of story that I can't remember, the people voted Brad and Brad said he'd take me with him. (<3333) And then I think we had to vote for the person to be killed. And everyone voted for Huo Yanyan from the 7.00pm Channel U show.

So Brad and I packed up, safe to go, but just as I was standing up I noticed Brad hadn't taken his double bassoon so I pointed it out and Huo Yanyan, who was across the room, pointed this bow and arrow thing at me (it had a name; it started with c) and shot. The arrow was made of wood and the tip looked like a ballpoint pen nib. She missed and I caught the arrow between my feet. She raised her weapon to shoot again. I anxiously motioned to Brad what she was doing but she shot before he did anything and this time she got me in the leg. I pulled the arrow out, scared that I was going to die or something but Brad said "shh it's alright, I'll fix it up. Let's get out of here" and (may or may not have) carried me off.


There was more, after the Brad-and-me (^_____^;;;) part of the dream finished, but it was Greg Proops and hard to describe, and after that there was more too, but it had nothing to do with Whose Line, so.

Wahahaha Brad Sherwood! <3333333