Thursday, March 11, 2004

Happy birthday to me!

Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh I really should be working my butt off now because there are so many things to do but I simply CANNOT not blog right now about all the wonderful presents the wonderful people gave me today.

I got an Owl Order from Blimey Birthday Bashes! Oh gosh, with their gift pack and stuff - peacock quill, acid green quill (anti-cheating, oh well =P), black ink, invisible (reappearing) ink, invisible (forever) ink, personalised sketchbook with friends' greetings which touched me to tears, Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, butterbeer and a lovely, lovely letter with glittery multicoloured words! ^_^ *throws confetti stuff in the air* *squishes Velvet, Claire, Izzy, Saratis, Heidi and Janice Heng into muffins* I also got a hair scrunchie and black chopstick with crystal stuff I've always wanted to use! Don't quiiite know who it's from, though. =\ A lovely postcard, from Diana; a miniature electric guitar with case and stand, complete with drawing (of me as a rock star! *is amused and happy*) from Amy, Sue and Nat, the lovely lovely people! I should scan it in or something. =P AND... a LOT of things from my dear BrowneEZ!! *squishes Elly and Zit (eh no cheating, alphabetical order *g*) into blue jello* A very very nice and stylishy bag, Parker my new styrofoamish dog, who's black and yellow and mischievous *eg*, DARK CHOCOLATE, more chocolate, socks, lip balm/gloss, black pantyliners, cool blue earrings, card, and The Best of Brown Eyed-Haired-Skinned Peas 2004. *BBBG*

Did I ever say I love my friends? I love my class. I love my friends. ^^;;;; *throws cherries in the air*

From last week, I got girlish stuff *^_^* - nice red T-shirt with hood, bracelet, necklace (which I quite adore), red casualish bag from my aunties. From my mum and dad, AN MP3 PLAYER! Which works like an external drive, which my mum was quite excited about. =D From my brother, a glittery pink Pisces handphone pouch, very cool hairclip with my name on it, and handphone attachy thing with my name on it too.

Very happy.

Tuition later, I hope this mood stays with me. ^^;

And then diving into homework to be done. XP

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