Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Good morning.

Yesterday was a long, hot, yet satisfying day. I spent the most of recess and Bio block washing gloves in the hot sun down at the netball courts for our dear mass dancers. I think I never want to do it again. Next time when we need to wash something we need to be sure of a place to hang them so that they'll dry quickly, won't fly away and will be sheltered from rain.

After school I had an A Math retest which I finished in 20 minutes. Mrs Ban forgot about us, I think; she didn't come up even when the test had been over for 10 minutes. I ran down and grabbed a quick lunch, then went for guitar.

Guitar practice was good, because we did quite a few songs. And I got to conduct. *G* We have these two songs, one has many tempo and dynamic changes, the other has dynamic changes which have to be very precise. I came up with my own exercise to make them look at my hands so they knew when to play with what speed/volume. Frankly it was quite good, and I was quite pleased.

I headed home, and bought chicken pie, curry puff and egg tarts at Tangs Market on the way. Once I reached home, I went to take a much needed shower, and by the time I came out my mum had come home with dinner, and everyone had finished eating it. *g* Then we all ate the stuff I bought and were happy. The chicken pie was very rich.

Then I did some work, and went to lie down at about 9.30pm, therefore, obviously, I fell asleep. Woke up at 4am this morning, and went to do more work, then headed down to the pitch to see if there was Quidditch practice, but there wasn't, so I continued doing work. And now I'm blogging.


You know, I wouldn't mind if we had longer hours of school, just longer breaks in between? They would be so useful to do a bit of last minute cramming for a test, or to run errands, or simply to finish homework. And of course sometimes you just need to take a rest in between blocks; 5 minutes is hardly enough. Most of the time it becomes about 2 minutes. I'm thinking half an hour blocks in between lessons... that would make the school day about 2.5 hours longer on short days (yes, break before and after recess *g*), and 3.5 hours on long days (and lunch *g*), which I don't quite mind.

Then of course, people have 3rd language and CCAs, so oh well.

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