Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Was going to post yesterday, but for some strange, strange reason didn't go online. *Eek, Eunice got possesed!* Anyway.

Yesterday I realised I spent half a day at school. Imagine, if my whole life was yesterdays again and again and again, half of it would be lost. *shiver*

Here is a new blog for my class's silliness. ^_^ Check it out!

In other news, my mum's been made a volunteer guide at the museum after a long long course! Wheeee! *huggles mum*

Also, I've splurged 5 of my Popular vouchers on CDs - Britney's In The Zone, Robbie Williams' Escapology, and Maksim, for my brother. Good haul, and only ate $2.80 into my own money.

I've got to do something about the Heritage Tree Trail, I have a feeling the teacher didn't actually get my email from a long time ago. Eek.

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