Friday, January 30, 2004

I've been thinking about maybe actually going to JC instead of Poly. So we'll list why I'd like to go to Poly instead of JC, and you tell me if you think they're good enough reasons, okay?

- I want to do mass comm very badly, I love film, and photography, and advertising and marketing and radio and TV and magazines and everything.
- Since I'm most definitely going into the media and communications/marketing/thingy field, I'd like to actually get good at it, so it's (3 years of cool study + university) as opposed to (2 years of learning things I won't really use + university and new to things), you know?
- I'd like to be able to work early, and diplomas are good things.
- I'd like to experience studying mass comm in different environments, so Poly in Singapore and Uni in Australia sounds good to me. As opposed to Uni in Singapore or Australia, where I won't learn things in a local context.

Yeah. And now I'll tell you why JC sounds nice too.

- There're so many things teachers touch on and say "you'll learn this in JC". I'm so curious, and I'd love to learn about those things, especially in Math and Physics.
- I can still do mass comm after JC.

Yeah. I know it's more in favour of Poly, but I'd like to hear what you think. Thank you. =)


My mum and dad have started doing a business called Omegatrend. It's a Multi Level Marketing thing, and they sell things that supermarkets sell, except they have their own house brand and my mum's been amazed at how the laundry powder cleans (and other things). Some people are here now, talking about the business. One of them is going to do a facial for me tomorrow. Tee hee. Then my mum's going to buy the skin care products, and we'll all be happy because the one doing the facial will get her points, my mum will get her points, and I will have a nice face.

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