Thursday, October 26, 2006


I suddenly feel like eating raw salmon.


Last night, I had Arabic food for dinner at a nice little place with Izzy and Janice. We went upstairs, which meant they made us take off our shoes and sit on the floor for a $1 membership fee. In fairness, we did get a great view of the lightning.

Then we went to watch two Tom Stoppard plays, which were quite funny, but I don't want to talk about that. I want to talk about how wonderfully nuts Janice and Izzy are. ;D It was fantastic and I had a great time. No one in poly is quite so recklessly beserk as them, it's awesome. I miss the stories we used to make up, just out of the blue, and the things we'd doodle on each other's math homework. I miss the serial story and lunchtime pictionary and the stupid stupid spying and boing and just how hilariously nuts you all are. <3


jan said...

i miss you too! if i started saying 'boing' in class people would look at me oddly. it took them long enough to get used to my meowing :(

also i cannot look at a picture of anderson without imagining him BLEEDING TO DEATH WITH A SHARD OF GLASS THROUGH HIS TORSO. this is your fault, yo.

Anonymous said...

k lets go eat raw salmon. heck, lets eat a buffet! rawr mm haha!