Friday, July 14, 2006


i dowan to turn into arrogant bastard. skarly i turn into arrogant bastard how?

I have nothing meaningful to blog about. I wish I had something meaningful to blog about. Instead, I present to you, a list of multicam demo ideas:

1. i teach you how to tie hair
2. i teach you how to diy your jeans
3. i teach you how to make milo dinosaur
4. i teach you how to do podcast
5. i teach you how to zhng car
6. i teach you how to make earring
7. i teach you how to do tai chi
8. i teach you how to obey film grammar
9. i teach you how to do manicure
10. i teach you how to sew your own pencilcase


Problem Statement: Perfectionism leads to death during procrastination.

Sample: My brother and I.

Pre-test: Do a piece of work as best as you can.

Control group: My brother (procrastinator and non-perfectionist)
Treatment group: Me (procrastinator and perfectionist)

Post-test: Do a piece of work as best as you want to within 4 hours.

Results: The whole treatment group died.

Conclusion: Perfectionism isn't really wonderful.


evie said...

hurhur. tying hair takes less than 15 mins leh. unless u teach pple how to tie tiny horns. like those on spice girl mel b's head.

Eunice said...

lol but the programme is 5-7 minutes only wat

evie said...

oh its not 15mins?? :O

Lysistarielle said...

LOL @ EVIE. 5-7 min la. And this time no need naggy Cliffy "Must end on the dot at five minutes..." O.o

Hahaha add
• How to obedience-train your dog
• How to set tables
to your list.
But cannot use cos copyrighted already for my project. lol