Friday, April 28, 2006

rather good friday

So yesterday I was going to blog about Mr D accusing me of not telling him my timetable before he put me into film.

Basically Thursday morning he called and goes "oh are you at a computer?" and I'm like "I'm on the bus on the way to school" and he says "kay go check your timetable ASAP and see if you got film". I was running late for CDS and no one around had a laptop, so I asked Frou Frou and Philip to help check. Philip said I got film. I rejoiced. He also LOL'd at my Friday. I rejoiced anyway, and SMSed DD to say something like "yay kthx i got film".

After the lesson, I managed to take a look at the timetable myself, and saw this:

So I called DD up and said "omg my timetable clashes kthx".

And he sounded incredibly angry, and he said, "Eunice. I told you to check your timetable first. I told you to check it."

And I was meek, and scared, and I said "...but I only just got to look at it and I asked Philip to check it for me because I had class and I only looked it at and then realised it clashed and-"

And he said "No, Eunice. I told you to check before I gave you film, whether your Friday 9-1 was free."

And I said "... n-no..." because he hadn't.

And if he had I would not have said my Friday 9-1 was free because it absolutely isn't and I know it; I have the most insane Friday timetable (the disgusting combination of 4hourtutorial-1hourbreak-4hourtutorial).

Anyway today I went to see him and he sounded all nice and non-angry/accusing so I'm okay now.


Then I went to reset my TP email password, because I haven't been able to get in since last year.

Thing is, last year, I changed my password from the default one, could access the email for a day, and then after that neither password worked.

I never bothered to go reset it until now.

And I didn't have to pay $5 either :D because it's not my fault and the system was just being weird. So yay now I have TP email!


After I got that all settled we had CMM orientation for the freshies! It went awesome, more smoothly than I expected. Sue Anne, Stella, Evie, Fysh and Bernie all helped out. Seriously, you guys are like honorary Council members lorh.

I got to talk to some of the freshies for the first time, and we went on an amazing race type thing, showing them important places in school, etc. Spencer and I were leading one team, and we came in 2nd. :D I think (hope) everyone enjoyed it.

After the race we watched Queen of the Damned (only because Troy and Ice Age weren't available), which featured sexy vampires. And then we had a debrief, and then I tried to get a cab to go to VJC.


I was so darn pissed I was cursing out loud to myself as I walked the way from the bus-stop to VJC. I took a bus in the end, which made me about half an hour late for Drama Nite. I couldn't get through to SMRT or Citycab and no taxi would take me, it was so annoying. I was really, really pissed off.

But no matter, because I saw Mr Young (the kind soul gave me a complimentary ticket) complete his being typecast as The Gay Guy. He had lipstick and eyeshadow and suggestive lines. XD

Black Comedy was a farce, and I like farce (based on Boeing Boeing and that HC production which I can't remember the title of) but this one wasn't tight enough, was over the top and didn't have much connection. The accents bothered me. Still, some funny moments.

I loved loved loved the second play though. I also loved the accents for this one hahaha. They didn't bother me as much. I think the guy who played Jesse was gooood (not just at the accent).

Anyway, met some of the ex-classmates, and other people I cannot remember the names of. I feel so bad when people go "omg heeeeyyyy euniiiice!" and I'm like "heyyy!" but I have no idea what their names are. I remember them and things we did, but I cannot remember names. I talked a bit with Bing Sheng (we have yet to go for our karaoke) and Ming, telling her about We'll Get There and WMD.

All in all, glad I went back.


My mum came to pick me up, and I bought Macs for dinner along the way. This is only because BK and KFC were closed already. See, this is why they make money - because the customers have no more choice!

Anyway then my mum said "hey do you know you are on the Director's Honours List?" and I said "huhh what list?" and she said "oh you dunno ah, I thought you know then you never tell me".

Apparently she got two letters, one saying I'm in the top 10% of the cohort and on the Director's Honours List, the other saying I won some academic award thingy.


Though, I'm wondering if the only reason I didn't know about it was that they sent something to my TP email and I never checked it. And now I can't check any more because I deleted most of my 160+ mails this afternoon to make space.

Oh well. I am happy and content and tomorrow I am going out with Atiqahhhhh. Hurrah!

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