Friday, March 31, 2006

verily moody

Ok, so I was going to post a whole rant-and-babble, but I've since cooled down after my mum bought me potato chips and chocolate.

I headed down to school today to take photos, after Sue Anne told me that the tech shop was open. One thing about the school digital camaras is that I DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE THEM. Grr. They're not SLRs, so all that film camera SLR work in photography can go out the window, and because I guess I am not flexible enough or something I couldn't figure out what all the buttons and menus did. I couldn't even turn the damn thing on at first.

Anyway, the tech shop lighting is so in the middle of nowhere; when I used flash it looked like a photo in a club, when I used tissue paper it didn't do much good, and when I didn't use flash the thing was a) underexposed, or b) blur because the shutter speed = too slow.

I got my photos anyway, but then I COULDN'T DO THE LAYOUT. It's so irritating because the article is not long and not short and as a result the spaces are so weird to work with and I sat there and I cropped things and I shifted other things around a lot and I still didn't know what to do.

Then I tried to send the whole stupid quark file to Frou Frou in an email but the thing was taking AGES. Then I tried to send it to her on MSN but it also took ages. Thank god for yousendit.

And while all this file transfer thing was going on I was about to cry because it was getting dark and it was cold and I didn't want to take public transport home but my dad wasn't home so there was no car for my mum to pick me up...

I am definitely PMSing.

Oh, and my computer has a trojan and I don't know how to get rid of it. Fuck everything.

1 comment:

FuSe said...

for the trojan, try these:

google for:
Microsoft Antispyware (Your windows gotta be original though)

and go to (Get the Free Ad-aware)