Thursday, March 16, 2006

no title

Ok so I'm watching my 2.30am installment of American Idol on StarWorld, and I'll be packing my bag to KL during commercials.

So. Top 12. Themed weeks. This week: Stevie Wonder. When I hear that, I think "oh my ehhh... that's gonna be hard" because so far all the Stevie Wonder we've heard isn't all that magnificent, I think.

Ace: Oh. My. God. I am majorly disappointed. The very first two notes that came out I cringed. Ace Ace Ace this isn't the performance that will get you anywhere. It was excruciating because I really do want him to do well. Paula is blinded by his hawtness and doesn't know what she's saying. It was awful. Really bad. I mean, sure he had energy and went over the stage and everything but the vocals really didn't do it, and his running everywhere looked like it was all over the shop. SIGH. T___T

Kellie: LOL this girl is seriously cute. She started off not bad but then the judges were right again it was boring. But ahhahah she is so cute.

Elliot: Good voice. I'm a fan. Blah in the middle but brought it at the end. I love his passion. At this point I'm thinking Mandisa better bring it please please Mandisa bring it.

Mandisa: What? What's with the "Ryan yeah take off mah shoes"? o_O But wow. Her big notes are awesome. It started like okay, then she goes to sing her huge notes and then she really shone. Randy's right - not as grand as last week, but yep. Best so far. I hope it gets better, but if even Mandisa isn't bringing her absolute all that she can bring, I may be disappointed.

Bucky: Now at least this guy is bringing some of himself into this song and I'm loving that. It was really interesting! Maybe a bit repetitive and the vocals weren't the greatest on earth but still I think it's the most original performance tonight. LOL @ Simon on JessicaSimpson hair. Melissa up next - I don't think she'll do well, but well who knows, she may surprise me.

Melissa: Why's she talking about messing up lyrics? Doesn't that make people more nervous about not messing up? Her voice is not very strong lah. But hey, it was a dandy performance. Better than her others actually. I thought she was going to do worse. Off notes here and there, and bland lah. But it was dandy in the middle. And whoa, see, she forgot lyrics. Why talk about it in the video? It's going to make you mess up. Gee.

Lisa: YES. The competition is BACK. LOVE the energy, vocals were good, love the whole performance! The end was HAWT yeeeeahhh. Simon agrees, yo! Nice job. Nice nice nice. Hahaha I am worried for Kevin who is up next.

Kevin: Hahaaha little Kevin. Honestly his "moves" remind me of William Hung. HAHA omg I am pleasantly shocked LOL it was his only performance so far that I enjoyed. Hahahah oh man I was really smiling throughout it hahaha he's really really enjoyable. XD LOL but really the "sex symbol" thing doesn't do it for me lahhh hahahhaaaaaa. I think Kevin might be appearing too cocky/confident for his own good, hm.

Looking forward to Katherine! Hope she doesn't disappoint.

Katherine: OHhhh. Chills. But what's with the dress? o_O It looks like a peasant's maternity gown. But who cares, because I think best vocals tonight dawg. W00T! And yeah I think I agree with Paula - her best performance yet. Which means it was awesome. I got da McPheever!

Taylor: This is good. This is Taylor. He made it good cos he is Taylor Hicks, man. He is so infectious and passionate! You can't not like Taylor really. And LOL I love Simon's analogies man.

Paris: The girl can definitely sing. Another hawt one I guess, though after Taylor's smiles-all-around performance, this really didn't really have as much passion/connection with the audience. Maybe I just don't want to like her, but man, she really really can sing and bring it on.

LOL @ Ryan's attempt to sing.

Chris: Ooh mikestand. Looking to be electric. Dude. Simon's right, the first half sucked and the second half is brilliant. Chris' rockerness rocks. He's in my top 4, definitely. I LOVE Chris.

And his sideburns are so cool.

... Simon has a rather charming smile actually. XD

And ho. Vocally, Ace is going home. Urgh. Maybe I was too disappointed, but really. Bleaarghghh.


So Hard Rock Cafe. I became 21 years old and had to stand on a chair. Stuffed myself with the dinner that Andrea, Sue Anne, Evie, Stella, Sharan, Fysh and Bernie treated me too. Got presents too, which were awesome: two books (Anansi Boys and Why Men Don't Have a Clue and Women Always Need More Shoes), a kiss-mark stamp and champagne bottle chocolates. XD I love them; thank you so so much. I had an awesome time.


Dear me it's 4.40am I should be off to sleep. I'll be back on Sunday!

1 comment:

jofid* said...


omg i haven't seen you for agesss! haha... and happy belated birthday girl (: i still remember your bday party with izzy in sec 1 at your house! haha.... the weird and funny things we were doing, although the details are getting rather blurry now. do you still have photos of them?

hope the past year's been a blast for you - take care and god bless in all things... hopefully we can catch up soon (: