Friday, March 31, 2006

I am the biggest idiot in the world


I just did the STUPIDEST thing.

I locked myself out of the pub room, because, driven by hunger, I went downstairs to get a vending machine sandwich and a drink, and I left my matric card in the room.

I went to security, but they told me they didn't have a master-matric-card-type thing. What followed was an extremely long phone call with my brother because it's like the only damn phone number I can remember.

Sue Anne (the nearest person who could help me) wasn't online, and my book that had the class contact list wasn't in my room (meaning that it was in the pub room together with my phone, my laptop, my matric card and the pub room key). Philip didn't reply my brother's SMS, and I was stupid therefore it didn't occur to me to say OMG JUST GIMME PHILIP'S NUMBER until much later.

My brother, while calling me a loser 2837548326 times, was adding Evie and Philip to his MSN, to no avail, and then he called Philip and said CAN YOU SMS ME SUE'S NUMBER, which was daft (but I didn't realise it at that time because I am also daft; he should have just said WHAT IS SUE'S NUMBER), but Philip didn't, and THEN it hit me to say OMG JUST GIMME PHILIP'S NUMBER, so I got Teh Frou Frou's number, and she called me a n00b.

Which I am, really, because after I got her to come down I strolled back to the pub room and met a security guard who was trying to open the door for me, and I said well hey, will it work if you opened this door? and pointed to the back door of the pub room and then VOILA I OPENED IT BECAUSE IT WASN'T LOCKED ANYWAY.

OMG. You don't have to tell me what a loser I am because I know it already.

Edit: Sue Anne mocks me. I am so hurt. T_______T *headdesk*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sth to cheer ya up! :)