Saturday, January 28, 2006

The Race: Sharan you win

If the media industry doesn't want Andrea (very unlikely), she will be a GREAT MASSEUSE!

Hahaha omg she is soooo good. And she can go on for like hours or something without stopping, and she taught us that all those tight things in your muscle or something are called knots and crystals. I am still aching in my shoulders and neck, though. Carried around my laptop today in my left hand, mostly, and now that arm is quite limp. XD

Group project is ARGH NOT DONE NOT DONE. Which makes me wonder why I'm taking the time to blog and not writing more important things. Went to the Kay App See that took over Marrybrown with Sharan after we sat in the library and didn't do much. We sat there and talked (actually, I just did most of the talking in a rambly talk-it-out-as-we-go-along way) until the auntie chased us out. Then we tried to look for a toilet but the only one we could find was locked, so I went to Sharan's house to use the toilet. :$

My room isn't exactly spick and span, and Chinese New Year's Day is less than 24 hours away. !!! The good news is I get mooooolah and I get to wear new clothes, yo! =D Oh - if anyone wants to come to my house for CNY come k! You can come on Monday or Tuesday. ^_^ ES gathering cum Paul's birthday thingy? =D

Okay just to fill up space, I present to you:


Choose one: Popcorn, Pizza, Pretzels, Peanuts, or Pasta.

Pasta! I can't have don't like popcorn for dinner, I don't like pizza crusts all that much, pretzels aren't all that good, and peanuts give you gas.

Describe your personality in terms of a particular vehicle.

A bicycle - simple, easygoing, sometimes unstable (not that I'm mad but sometimes I'm not confident and frail), and it lets you enjoy the wind and nature and life.

If you won a shopping spree, from which store would you want it to be?

OOH. Ahhh... some gadget place; I'd get mp3 players and DSLRs and new phones and a powerbook... or a SHOESHOP ahhhh all the prettypretty high high heels and BOOTS! Or or or a music store! Electric guitars... basses... better classical guitars than the one I have... saxophone... cello... aiyeee! *squee*

Main Course
Which television show re-runs do you enjoy watching?

Whose Line Is It Anyway, yo!

If you could look into the future, how far down the road would you like to see? 10 years? 100 years? A million?

I don't know if I want to see the future actually... maybe not my future. Maybe 200 years.


Anonymous said...

I want mooooolahh and new clothes too! =(
Oh and yes yes a massage would be nice too. haha.

xx tiq

evie said...

*gasp* im not a good enough masseuse?!?