Friday, December 16, 2005

a very long post (things before the * written in school)

I found the disclaimer we were meant to put on George's present!

Any similarities to any person/s living or dead is purely coincidental, unless they are not, in which case, the meaning intended is that George Lee Ye Han is better than any other George in the world. He's the only George we know anyway.

Also, the following is what I fondly call "Sue Anne Roasting On An Open Fire".

The Frou Frou says it looks terrible and does not project any of my "1337" photoshop skills at all, but I think it's a masterpiece.


Anyway, today (yesterday) was one hell of an eventful day.

Meant to wake up at 3 to do my Arts App presentation, but obviously woke up at 7 instead. First thought was, indeed, OH FUCK, then I wondered why I wasn't feeling a deep sense of dread. Realised that I could use the time during photography tutorial to do it.

Spent about 2 hours doing my research and writing down stuff on the back of Selvan's extra worksheets. Cabbed to school. Realised I'd forgotten about my photography assessment sheet. Told KennyYong in front of whole class that I didn't know what photo to choose for the Patterns category. -_-

KennyYong said he couldn't tell me. Chose broom photo after much deliberation.

Spent quite a while with group, asking KennyYong to comment on our photos after rest of class left. Learnt KennyYong theories like The Flash Tissue Theory and ROTT (which looks like it stands for Rule Of Thirds Theory).

Quickly rushed to library to hammer out some form of a presentation in 45 minutes. Finished slides by the time we had to head back to class.

After class, had the last few people sign SoonSoon card and left it on the staffroom door glass pane because no one was inside.

Rushed to Flavours, where I had to trouble Philip to buy me my food, while I animated my slides and wrote out the first part of my presentation script.

Went for class. Finished scripting presentation during class, and spent a good 1.5 hours listening to other people be rushed through their presentations.

Rushed through my presentation. Had to ramble; at least Ms Yen said "very good" after I did my first 2 slides, and was all "ok, I know all this, and I can tell you did your research very well, but we have to hurry".

HERE is my presentation, and I am posting it because after all that rushing just to ramble for 5 minutes for a grade... I feel like it wasn't worth it. So I must share it with everyone. ^_^ My actual presentation with actual substance is written all over Selvan's notes and my notebook. Basically Tamara de Lempicka lived very luxuriously and slept with any man or woman she considered beautiful, including those she painted.

I'm incorrigible with my procrastination. I can't seem to help it, but I simply must.

Anyway, after my presentation I found myself connected to the TP wireless network, and proceeded to send Chandini something for Open House next year. Class ended, I checked my marks (mask 8.5, mask writeup 8, class participation 7.5, oral presentation on artist 15 wahlao she mark so fast = 39/50 = almost 80% = good enough for me, considering everything was last minute work).

Rushed out of class (because the next class was already filing in) with my laptop open (was still transferring the file to Chandini), adapter and Philip's Nano in my hands. Headed to Maclab. Tried to breathe by thinking about how the worst of the deadlines were over. =D

Went up to staffroom with Philip because Selvan needed a classlist for the J2 assignments. While checking who didn't submit an outline, SoonSoon said "thank you" (for the card) and I was ^_^ and I asked "are you happy!" and she said "yes" and that it was the first card she ever received in years. Awww we're so nice.

Got the list of people who didn't submit outline, and headed back to maclab to send out the email to them. Spent the next bit of time creating Sue Anne Roasting On An Open Fire and cleaning up my desktop. People who have gone OMG upon seeing my many icons can now be dazzled by the sparkling clean surface that is my desktop (my wallpaper is sparkly snow too!)

At about 6.20pm, we packed up to go home, when I realised that my wallet wasn't with me. And then I thought oh, it's in my laptop bag. And then I realised, that wasn't with me either. Ah, shit, I'd probably left it in CDS class.

Called Nette to see if she was still in class and could hold on to it for me. She'd left earlier. Hoped fervently that class was only just finishing (since ours had ended close to 4.20pm; supposed to finish at 4) and went to the classroom with Sue Anne so kindly accompanying me. Found it all dark and abandoned.

Went back to maclab and told KennyYong my predicament. He gave me a master key and asked me to try it. We went back to the classroom again (which is in ITAS school btw) but the key couldn't work.

Returned the key, and decided to see if the security guards could help, after a "good luck" from KennyYong.

Sue Anne had to go, so I went to approach the security people myself. They were surprisingly very very nice. I think they have nothing better to do, so when someone loses something, it's very exciting and they're really willing to go all out to help you (and they're extremely professional about it too).

I must've gone up to the classroom about 3 times with them, and they tried getting the master key to that block but to no avail. The door would not budge. I cabbed home after they reassured me that no one would be going into the room tonight, and the first person who opened it tomorrow morning would be informed; they'd station a guard there for me to look around in the room and then safeguard my bag for me.

So I guess if I don't get it back it means that someone stole it. I hope no one did.

Anyway, I reached home close to 9, I think, and had sucky beehoon with sucky curry for dinner. My life was suddenly made better, though, with a present in the mail!

Janice is the coolest person eveh. No one makes cooler cards. Seriously. And I'm halfway through the book, and I LOLed at every other page. It rocks. Thank you thank you thank you thank you ihavetogetyouapunyannow. ._.

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