Sunday, December 11, 2005

varying irrelevance

to borrow Janice's blog title

I was tagged by Tiq and Su-E for some music meme a while ago, and Fysh just tagged me for the "list 5 weird things about you" meme, but I'm sorry guys you really got me at the wrong time. I have no tunes I'm really into right now, and I'm not in the mood to list random things (as much as the contrary may seem so because of all the surveys/quizzes I've done recently).

The TV is on to some stupid Chinese show which uses stupid music that's very annoying and the acting sucks too. I hate period dramas unless they're funny or particularly interesting.

I'm having spaghetti for lunch. That'd better be good. Then I'm going to hole up somewhere and not be social until I finish my bloody MMPrin assignment.

(lunch break)

I think I've said this before - I really wouldn't mind being a secretary or receptionist. I can just take down things, arrange appointments, and other boring things like that; or I can just be friendly and smile at people and answer questions. I like answering questions. It gives me a feeling of yay I know the answer and I can help you!

My mum just told me to read this book titled "The Secret Language of Feelings" which is about your conscious, subconscious and unconscious minds. She'd also noticed my moping this entire week, and bought me chocolate. (:

Oh blah, I think I'll go do my work now.

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