Monday, December 19, 2005

one mmprin to go (drink change to ice lemon tea plzkthxbey)

Journalism was okay. ^_^

Went to Sakae for lunch and there wasn't any dishonesty omg o_o ahahaha. If there was I didn't see it and I am glad. =P

Then Bernie lent me his nano and I went home and took a nap (listening to all his songs on shuffle) and woke up at 5+ to Helicopters by the Barenaked Ladies and I really liked it and the batt was dying so I decided to listen to all the BARENAKED LADIES songs he had and omg rekindled love <333. Have added them to my pandora. ^_^


I wanted to look through my notes this morning while in the cab (I took a cab because I wanted to reach school early, and I thought I'd concentrate better than if I was on public transport). This was how the ride went:

Taxi Driver (TD): Good morning! ^_^
Me: Hello! :) Temasek Poly.
TD: Okay. Go by PIE?
Me: Yeah k.
TD: So, you studying there ah?
Me: Yeah. Today got test. =P
TD: Oh? What you studying.
Me: Communications and Media Management. Today got journalism test.
TD: Oh.. so next time you going to be reporter lah?
Me: No lah... don't really like.
TD: You don't like then why you take this course? o_o
Me: Got other things mah... radio, TV... marketing...
TD: Oh... so must have high IQ lah?
Me: Erhh... no lah. But English good lah.
TD: Oh. I ask you something ah. If you drop your wallet, then inside got $1000 and your IC then what will you do?
Me: o_O O_o *wtf* Erh. Why you ask me this??
TD: Just ask you lah... you drop your wallet inside $1000 plus IC, what is your reaction?
Me: Erm... panic a bit then depressed a bit then go and report police lah.
TD: Hahahaha you report police, police say you siao ah!
Me: o_o ._. why?
TD: You drop your wallet you pick it up lah! You ask police pick up for you meh! ;)
Me: LOL *sheepish* orh.
TD: You must listen carefully mah... ;) Ask you another one - got one pregnant bird flying in the sky lah, then a hunter go and shoot. The bullet went through the bird, the bird fall down. So did the bird die, or the baby die, or both die?
Me: *thinks* *omg eureka* WHERE GOT PREGNANT BIRD ONE!
TD: Ahahaha you smart eh! Listen properly ah... Got one papaya drop on your head and one mango drop on your head, papaya pain or mango pain?
TD: You very smart eh! 1kg of steel and 1kg of cotton, which one heavier?
Me: -_- *heard before* Same wat... ^_^
TD: Eheheh. Erhm... got one airplane lah, inside 300 people, crashed into a mountain and asploded. But no one injured! Why!
Me: *also hear before* COS THEY ALL DIED. XD
TD: LOL. Okay listen again ah... I take the egg and throw the stone, why the egg never break?
Me: *hear before in Cantonese one* Cos you throw the stone mahhh you never throw egg ^_^
TD: Ahahah very good! You take taxi to JB before or not?
Me: No...
TD: *in Chinese* Oh got four people take taxi to JB lah. Then at Rochor there someone farted. Then the taxi driver ask "eh, who farted" but no one want to say. Then each one $8 lah, then when they pay that time, the taxi driver say one line know, then the person who farted own up already. You know what line he say?
Me: *never hear before* o_o erh... what?
TD: *in Chinese* He say "eh! Person who farted, you haven't pay yet!" Then the person say "no wat I give you already!"
Me: LOL!
*reaching TP liao*
TD: You know centipede got 100 legs right. When it want to turn right, how many legs it use?
Me: Erhh... all lorh.
TD: Wrong. It use 99 legs, cos one leg must signal right.
Me: *omg* LOL ahahhaa.

Still got a lot of faaarnie farnie things he ask me lah... cannot remember liao. LOL then end up I never study at all in the cab. -_-

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