Friday, December 30, 2005

Che Guevara With Putty Eyes

Highlights of the day:

- Janice was earlier than me even though I strove to be earlier than her *facepalm*
- We waited a long long time for bus 200
- It came when I started eating my sandwich
- Fosters has _______ menus lol
- I had steak. It was decent, but tiny
- Che Guevara evaporated, slowly
- Carlsburg Christmas tree
- Grow Your Own Parents
- ... Putty Eyes
- I Spy With My Little (Putty) Eye
- We didn't really play Pictionary actually, we drew things and then gave them Putty Eyes
- Janice is a girlyname
- We couldn't find the roof
- Breathtaking photo exhibition
- Poseur zen Jap cafe =D
- Another Carlsburg Christmas tree
- TehTarik-esque Green Tea Latte
- Multicoloured punyans ^_^

And then I killed time in a most extreme fashion, but not enough time died, so I had to spend the next 2 hours milling about Borders and breathing in cigerette smoke at The Coffee Bean. And when you leave me alone like that I tend to get bored and then nothing distracts me from thinking too much. So my imagination goes wild and I get scared and I try to be positive and this starts the mushy part of my post:

StellaEvieFyshBernie - I am so glad you guys came by (albeit really late) because you are hilarious and really picked my day up. If I hadn't waited I think I would have gone home and made myself miserable without anyone to make me laugh. And if I go on any further I will sound like a wuss (and not just any one, too) so I will just say thank you for putting a smile back on my face today (even though you trixxed me Fysh).

And then I came home to the sweetest card ever. Slappy (name changed to keep her street cred) sent me two matchstick men wrapped lovingly in tissue, and a message that made me really really touched:

I know a cool kid
With the most expressive eyes
Her name is Eunice.
... and that was my Christmas poem of the year! Just because it's a haiku and not a multi-lined rhyming thing doesn't mean you are any less special because you are still the coolest person ever, and don't even think otherwise. And even though now it seems like we're doing such diferent things, I still love you very much. You are my happy medium (like in A Wrinkle In Time). And when other people are being terrible and I lose faith in humanity in general, it makes me feel better knowing that there is someone out there (you) who is happy, in love, and living her dreams. Like a world that supports someone so happy can't be that bad. And there are my partly selfish reasons for hoping you are always happy even when I'm not there to bask in your smiles and energy. I hope you don't mind. As always, I <3 you muchly and hope you are always happy.

And as I was typing that I really teared because that is possibly the most touching thing someone's said to me all year. And I just want to say that Slappy I <3 you too and you are really cool and thank you for MatchstickMen I am very very happy. Thank you. You give me many more reasons to always smile. Thank you a million times.

OKAY I stop being mushy HERE.


Anonymous said...


ChR0 said...

u're welcome (: